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Call key data
European Universities - Development of deep institutional transnational cooperation
Funding Program
Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 – Cooperation among Organisations and Institutions
Call number
06.02.2024 17:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 187,700,000.00
Link to the call
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Call content
short description
The ‘European Universities’ initiative is part of the ‘Partnerships for Excellence’ support provided in the framework of the new Erasmus+ Programme. This initiative has an ambitious mandate aimed to trigger and deepen unprecedented levels of institutional cooperation between higher education institutions, making it systemic, structural and sustainable. It aims to encourage the emergence of bottom-up alliances of universities across Europe, which will enable students to combine studies in several countries.
Call objectives
In line with the priorities of the European Education Area by 2025, these European Universities intend to:
- Promote common European values and a strengthened European identity by bringing together a new generation of Europeans able to cooperate within different cultures, languages, and across borders, sectors and academic disciplines;
- Reach a substantial leap in quality, performance, attractiveness and competitiveness of European higher education institutions, and contribute to the European knowledge economy, employment, creativity, culture and welfare by making the best use of innovative pedagogies and striving to make the knowledge square a reality. ‘European Universities’ will be key drivers to boost the quality of higher education and where possible to strengthen its link to the research and innovation landscape in Europe and its outreach towards the society and economy.
To achieve this, the present call Topic ERASMUS-EDU-2024-EUR-UNIV-1 (Topic 1) will provide support for applicants wishing to establish deep institutional transnational cooperation in a ‘European Universities’ alliance.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Albania (Shqipëria), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина), Iceland (Ísland), Kosovo (Kosova/Kosovë / Косово), Liechtenstein, Montenegro (Црна Гора), North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Türkiye
eligible entities
Education and training institution, Research Institution incl. University
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 3 applicants (beneficiaries not affiliated entities), which complies with the following conditions:
- Minimum 3 eligible higher education institutions from 3 different eligible countries.
- A higher education institution may participate as full partner in only one European Universities alliance funded by the Erasmus+ programme at the same time.
- A higher education institution may only participate as full partner in one single European Universities application; they may participate in other applications only as associated partners.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
- Be legal entities (public or private bodies).
- Be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
- EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)).
- Non-EU countries: third countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme (including EEA countries), countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement to the Erasmus+ programme and where that agreement enters into force before the grant signature (list of participating countries) and .
- Non-EU countries: Western Balkans third countries not associated to the programme.
The applicants (potential beneficiaries) must be:
- Higher Education Institutions holding a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and any entities affiliated to them.
- Any other organisation consisting of the above referred higher education institutions - specifically set up with the purpose of implementing deep institutional transnational cooperation, including joint educational activities.
Specific cases:
- Natural persons — Natural persons are NOT eligible (with the exception of selfemployed persons, i.e., sole traders, where the company does not have legal personality separate from that of the natural person).
- International organisations — International organisations are eligible as associated partner. The rules on eligible countries do not apply to them.
- Entities without legal personality — Entities which do not have legal personality under their national law may exceptionally participate, provided that their representatives have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf and offer guarantees for the protection of the EU financial interests equivalent to that offered by legal persons.
- EU bodies — EU bodies (with the exception of the European Commission Joint Research Centre) can NOT be part of the consortium.
- Associations and interest groupings — Entities composed of members may participate as ‘sole beneficiaries’ or ‘beneficiaries without legal personality’ . Please note that if the action will be implemented by the members, they should also participate (either as beneficiaries or as affiliated entities, otherwise their costs will NOT be eligible).
- Countries currently negotiating association agreements — Beneficiaries from countries with ongoing negotiations (see list above) may participate in the call and can sign grants if the negotiations are concluded before grant signature (with retroactive effect, if provided in the agreement)
other eligibility criteria
Financial support to third parties is allowed for grants and prizes under the following conditions:
- The calls must be open, published widely and conform to EU standards concerning transparency, equal treatment, conflict of interest and confidentiality.
- The calls must remain open for at least two months.
- The outcome of the call must be published on the participants’ websites, including a description of the selected projects, award dates, project durations, and final recipient legal names and countries.
- The calls must have a clear European dimension.
- The maximum amount for the financial support to third parties may not exceed 60,000 EUR. It will be accepted in projects where such support will bring an added value.
- Your project application must clearly specify why financial support to third parties is needed, how it will be managed and provide a list of the different types of activities for which a third party may receive financial support. The proposal must also clearly describe the results to be obtained.
The grant will be a lump sum grant. The maximum EU grants are based on the number of partners. However, it is entirely discretionary for each alliance to distribute in the proposal the total budget among the partners (full partners):
- 3 partners: 3.24 MEUR
- 4 partners: 4.32 MEUR
- 5 partners: 5.4 MEUR
- 6 partners: 6.48 MEUR
- 7 partners: 7.56 MEUR
- 8 partners: 8.64 MEUR
- 9 or ore partners: 14.4 MEUR
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
48 months
Additional Information
All proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funders & Tenders Portal electronic submission system (accessible via the topic page in the Search Funding & Tenders section). Paper submissions are NOT possible.
Proposals must be complete and contain all parts and mandatory annexes and supporting documents, e.g. plan for the exploitation and dissemination of the results including communication activities, etc.
The application form will have three parts:
- Application Form Part A — contains administrative information about the participants (future coordinator, beneficiaries and affiliated entities) and the summarised budget for the project (to be filled in directly online).
- Application Form Part B — contains the technical description of the project (to be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled and re-uploaded).
- Part C (to be filled in directly online) containing additional project data (only applicable for topic 1).
Mandatory annexes and supporting documents (to be uploaded):
- Detailed budget table (template available in the Submission System).
- List of previous projects (key projects for the last 4 years) (template available in Part B) (only applicable for topic 1).
- Other annex: the joint mission statement (Only applicable for topic 1, see section 2).
The limit for a full application (Part B) is 120 pages.
Call documents
ERASMUS EDU-UNIV 2024 Call documentERASMUS EDU-UNIV 2024 Call document(874kB)
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