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Support for Civil Society Organisations in the Republic of Moldova in 2025
Funding Program
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Call number
05.05.2025 17:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 6,000,000.00
Link to the call
Link to the submission
Call content
short description
The global objective of this call for proposals is to empower civil society organisations (CSOs) to act as key contributors to the democratic and economic transformation of the country. This action aims to strengthen inclusive, resilient and democratic society by capacitating CSOs to participate meaningfully in socio-economic development of the country, implementation of reforms, accountability of institutions, ensuring fair and equal opportunities for all.
Call objectives
The specific objectives and priorities of this call for proposals are:
Lot 1 specific objective: Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to participate and contribute to the EU accession process of the Republic of Moldova.
- To support civil society organisations, including grassroots organisations, to engage with public authorities in the implementation and monitoring of reforms and EU and national development programmes.
- To support civil society organisations, including grassroots organisations, to expand their role in monitoring and participating in the reform process of various sectors related to Moldova’s accession process to the EU.
Lot 2 specific objective: Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to better perform their role as community mobilisation actor in the context of the EU integration process.
- To encourage active participation of local communities and citizens in achieving societal transformation in the context of EU integration.
- To promote initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of local communities.
Lot 3 specific objective: Enabling CSOs to meaningfully contribute to the strengthening of the child protection system in the Republic of Moldova in the context of EU accession.
- To strengthen governance, coordination and capacity of the child protection system in the Republic of Moldova, to contribute to reducing the child poverty and preventing child institutionalisation. Applicants are encouraged to set up strong partnerships with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
All actions should be gender sensitive and rights-based. The actions should address crosscutting issues related to gender-equality, environmental practices, inclusion of people with disabilities and minority groups.
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Expected effects and impacts
The following types of activities may be financed under this call. However, the lists are not exhaustive.
Lot 1: Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to participate and contribute to the EU accession process of the Republic of Moldova through structured engagement with public authorities and monitoring the implementation of reforms and EU and national development programmes:
- Fostering enhanced levels of coordination and cooperation between the national and local authorities and civil society to support the EU accession process of the country;
- Establishing close cooperation with national authorities, including with the Bureau for European Integration, in view of developing strategic policy frameworks and relevant institutional mechanisms for open and structured dialogue with civil society across various policy areas in the context of the EU accession process;
- Strengthening democratic and inclusive participation of civil society in the EU accession process of the Republic of Moldova by empowering it to actively take part in decision making, to monitor accession negotiations and implementation of EU and national development plans and programmes (e.g. Growth Plan);
- Reinforcing the capacities and resilience of CSOs to contribute to the EU accession process and carry out activities effectively to ensure participation in the screening, bilateral meetings, public consultations etc.;
- Raising awareness about the EU integration among Moldovan society by supporting civic engagement at all levels of the accession process and building a resilient, democratic future understanding of challenges of societal transformation on the way to the EU;
- Organising communication and engagement activities to raise awareness about the EU integration and promote civic citizenship and participatory democracy in Moldova;
- Supporting active CSOs platforms and networks to reinforce organised dialogue with national and local authorities to address key topics relevant to the EU accession negotiation process;
- Supporting local CSO platforms, such as EaP Civil Society Forum National Platform, EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform, and networks to promote coordination, collaboration and exchange towards increased abilities to advocate, monitor and participate in reform processes in achieving an effective policy dialogue regarding the EU accession process;
- Supporting national civil society platforms and networks and civil society participation in multi-stakeholder dialogue fora, processes and platforms, aimed at strengthening alliances for civil society with other international actors including media, private sector, academia etc.;
- Providing opportunities for CSOs to interact and network with their national, regional and European level counterparts and to create new partnerships;
- Strengthening the skills of Moldovan civil society to expand its knowledge about the EU and the accession process and to ensure active and efficient participation in the EU accession negotiations through negotiation training, capacity building, mentorship, study visits to facilitate sharing of expertise and experience on enlargement;
- Promoting transparency and government accountability including societal policy debates and EU integration processes;
- Improving CSO organisational capacity related to internal governance; programme, project and financial management, advocacy, CSO effectiveness, accountability and transparency; supporting CSO financial management capacities, capacity building to keep up with technological advancements like AI and data technology;
- Strengthening CSOs capacities through flexible financial support to third parties mechanisms in all fields relevant to the accession to the EU;
Lot 2: Increasing the capacities of local civil society organisations to better perform their role as community mobilisation actor in the context of the EU integration process and promote local sustainable development initiatives:
- Promoting civic education of citizens and awareness raising about societal change in the context of the European integration process of the Republic of Moldova;
- Reinforcing inclusive civic participation in public policy processes and improve cooperation and dialogue between civil society and the relevant national and local authorities;
- Encouraging innovative approaches to promote citizens’ participation in social, political and economic life of the country in the context of EU accession;
- Promoting pro-democracy discourse, increasing citizens’ civic and political culture and critical thinking on stringent/actual topics of citizens’ policy agenda, importance of solidarity and democratic values;
- Engagement with citizens, local civil society, local public authorities, to improve the quality of policymaking so that it fits better the needs of citizens and foster vibrant debates on issues affecting everyday life and the future of the country, building democratic society;
- Increasing capacities and resources for local civil society organisations, community based organisations, local action groups as drivers of local development through the implementation of small-scale projects;
- Training and capacity building for local civil society organisations, community based organisations, local action groups to manage and implement projects, developing their digital skills, communication skills etc.;
- Supporting new and innovative community projects aimed at promoting culture, tourism, traditions, arts, sport, gender equality, human rights, social inclusion, local development initiatives, protection of environment, climate change etc.;
- Development of strong partnerships between the local civil society organisations, local action groups and local public authorities for the creation of sustainable livelihoods, building safe, healthy, connected and inclusive communities, encouraging local business growth etc.;
- Rolling out educational campaigns for children, youth, elderly on general interest topics and relevant to each age category group such as topics improving digital skills, support to young people through informal education and promotion of vocational training, active aging for the elderly etc.;
- Support for local civil society organisations to strengthen the positive narrative of civil society and counter disinformation, hate speech and digital harassment on social media platforms;
- Supporting continuous learning and personal growth of local communities, as well citizens’ initiatives contributing to inclusive and sustainable local development;
- Improving public perception, strengthening relationships between citizens, local civil society organisations and public authorities, building trust, giving a voice to vulnerable and marginalised people;
Lot 3: Enabling CSOs to meaningfully contribute to the strengthening of the child protection system in the Republic of Moldova in the context of EU accession process:
Strengthening of governance, coordination and capacity of the child protection system:
- Capacity building for local CSOs, including grassroots and specialised organisations, to enhance their role in monitoring, advocacy, service provision and policy dialogue within the child protection system;
- Support for local CSOs in legislative advocacy and policy review, ensuring their active involvement in the development, implementation, and monitoring of child protection laws and regulations in support of the National Child Protection Programme 2022-2026;
- Strengthening the capacities of public authorities, child protection specialists and social workers, staff working in social and rehabilitation services for children with disabilities and special needs, with a specific focus on rural and underserved areas, to strengthen their ability to identify, assess, and respond to child protection risks effectively; capacity building should ensure knowledge transfer from specialised and experienced CSOs and its integration into the training system and beyond;
- Support for strengthening community-based child protection networks, ensuring local actors (teachers, health workers, social workers, law enforcement, and faith-based organisations) are equipped to identify, prevent, and respond to risks faced by children in their communities;
- Strengthening of evidence-based monitoring and case management systems to ensure continuous oversight, timely interventions, and personalised support tailored to the needs of children and families;
- Support for strengthening local and national coordination mechanisms between government agencies, CSOs, law enforcement, education, and healthcare sectors to ensure a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to child protection;
- Awareness rising about children’s rights and protection mechanisms, including for children with disabilities and complex emotional needs, particularly in rural and marginalised communities, through targeted and inclusive campaigns. These efforts should inform families about child rights, positive parenting, social services, and available support programs. Additionally, they could address the prevention of gender-based violence, child labour, and online exploitation while promoting the Telefonul Copilului.
Family support and prevention of child neglect, abuse and abandonment:
- Provision of comprehensive, tailored, and needs-based support to families and children at risk of separation to ensure family preservation and prevent institutionalisation. The support may include but is not limited to in-kind support, voucher and financial support, referrals, counselling, socio-economic empowerment, counselling and rehabilitation for parents and children consumers of alcohol;
- Development and implementation of parent education programmes to equip caregivers with the knowledge and skills needed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children. These programs may include parenting schools for structured training on child development and positive discipline, workshops and peer support groups for experience sharing and professional guidance, as well as targeted interventions for high-risk families such as teenage parents, single caregivers, and those affected by migration and separation;
- Provision of extracurricular activities for at-risk children to support their social inclusion, personal development, and well-being. These activities could be accompanied by a hot meal and may include arts, music, sports, catch-up classes for children who have missed school, and life skills courses such as English, IT, and financial literacy;
- Development of specialised assistance and rehabilitation services for children victims and witnesses of violence, children aggressors, children in conflict with law, children with deviant behaviour.
Deinstitutionalisation and alternative family-based care:
- Development and support of alternative family-based care services;
- Facilitation of reintegration of children into family-based care by providing tailored, needs-based support to families and caregivers;
- Development of specialised services to prevent the institutionalisation of children with disabilities, including but not limited to educational support services, assistive technologies, therapy, rehabilitation programmes, and respite care for families and caregivers;
- Development of specialised services for children with complex emotional needs, including but not limited to educational support services, assistive technologies, therapy, rehabilitation programmes, and respite care for families and caregivers;
- Support the transition for young people (18+) leaving institutions by providing vocational training, mentorship, life skills development, access to affordable housing, and financial literacy programmes to help them achieve independence and social inclusion.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Moldova (Moldova)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
- be a legal person and
- be non-profit-making and
- be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisation, international (inter-governmental) organisation as defined by Article 156 of the EU Financial Regulation and
- be effectively established in a Member State of the European Union or Republic of Moldova or any other eligible countries as stipulated in the basic act NDICI-GE. Due to the legal status of international organisations, the obligation of effective establishment in the referred countries does not apply to international organisations, where the latter are eligible, and
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary, and not being in any of the situations listed in Section 2.4. of the practical guide.
The lead applicant must act with co-applicant(s) as specified hereafter.
other eligibility criteria
Actions must take place in the Republic of Moldova, including in the Transnistrian region.
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Lot 1: minimum amount: € 1,450,000; maximum amount: € 1,500,000
- Lot 2: minimum amount: € 2,450,000; maximum amount: € 2,500,000
- Lot 3: minimum amount: € 1,950,000; maximum amount: € 2,000,000
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum percentages of total eligible costs of the action:
- Minimum percentage: 50 % of the total eligible costs of the action.
- Maximum percentage: 95 % of the total eligible costs of the action.
Financial support to third parties
Applicants shall propose financial support to third parties in order to help achieving the objectives of the action.
The financial support to third parties planned in this Call will allow smaller organisations to develop their capacities, influence and strengthen the dialogue with national authorities in the context of the country’s EU accession process and participation in decision-making between civil society and public authorities both at local and national level.
The maximum amount of financial support per third party is € 60 000 except where achieving the objectives of the actions would otherwise be impossible or overly difficult, in which case this threshold can be exceeded. A threshold below € 60 000 can be set if appropriate.
Number of applications and grants per applicants / affiliated entities
The lead applicant may not submit more than one application per lot under this call for proposals.
The lead applicant may not be awarded more than one grant per lot under this call for proposals.
The lead applicant may not be a co-applicant or an affiliated entity in another application of the same lot at the same time.
A co-applicant/affiliated entity may not be the co-applicant or affiliated entity in more than one application per lot under this call for proposals.
A co-applicant/affiliated entity may not be awarded more than one grant per lot under this call for proposals.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
between 28 and 42 months
Additional Information
To apply for this call for proposals the applicants need to:
- Provide information about the organisations involved in the action. To this end, lead applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities must register in PADOR. Please note that the registration of this data in PADOR is obligatory for this call for proposals.
- The concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant must be submitted online via PROSPECT following the instructions given in the PROSPECT user manual.
- Applicants must apply in English.
Call documents
EuropeAid/183610/DD/ACT/MD- Call DocumentEuropeAid/183610/DD/ACT/MD- Call Document(163kB)
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