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Interreg Aurora Call 4: small-scale projects
Funding Program
Interreg Aurora
17.03.2025 17:00
Funding rate
50-65 %
Estimated EU contribution per project
max. € 60,000.00
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Call content
short description
The Interreg Aurora programme accepts submissions for small-scale projects. The programme has two sub-areas. Applications for the sub-area Sápmi are specifically welcomed in this call and all priorities and specific objectives will be open for applications. Applications for the sub-area Aurora are also possible in all priorities and specific objectives except S.O. 1.1 "Smart specialization, research and innovation".
Call objectives
The following priorities and specific objectives have been developed within the programme:
- P1: A smarter Europe: Smart and sustainable growth
- SO 1.1: Smart specialization, research and innovation
- SO 1.2: Competitiveness of SMEs
- P2: A greener Europe: Green and sustainable transition
- SO 2.1: Climate change adaptation
- SO 2.2: Nature protection & biodiversity
- SO 2.3: Sustainable mobility
- P3: A more social Europe: Education, culture and sustainable tourism
- SO 3.1: Education and lifelong learning
- SO 3.2: Culture and sustainable tourism
- P4: A better Interreg Governance: Better and more sustainable cross-border cooperation
- SO 4.1: Cross-border capacity building
Expected results
The programme proposes the following (non exhaustive) types of measures:
P1: A smarter Europe: Smart and sustainable growth
- SO 1.1: Smart specialization, research and innovation
- Cooperation between research institutes, higher education institutes, businesses and/or public sector to create cross-border knowledge networks enhancing the green and digital transitions.
- Usage of shared regional research infrastructures through cross-border cooperation to enhance the uptake of advanced technologies and the development of innovative products, services, and methods as well as new business models and opportunities.
- Cooperation between research institutes, higher education institutes, businesses and/or public sector to strengthen the exploitation of applied research in SMEs and/or public sector.
- Development of arenas, Programmes, tools, and methods for supporting technology transfer, soft knowledge and cooperation between enterprises, research centres and higher education sector.
- Stimulation to create a critical mass in the region that can reach out to EU Programmes such as Horizon Europe.
- SO 1.2: Competitiveness of SMEs
- B2B cooperation strengthening the uptake and use of technologies and advanced systems related to (e.g., robotics, IoT, open data, cyber security, 3D-printing, data-analytics).
- Knowledge building activities and advice increasing the preparedness of SMEs to internationalize and grow.
- Activities linking companies based on complementarity competencies to enhance the innovation capacity and/or the formation of cross-border value chains.
- Cross-border cooperation between clusters adding complementary competencies.
- Cross-border cooperation between start-up hubs and business accelerators and virtual incubators adding complementary competencies.
P2: A greener Europe: Green and sustainable transition
- SO 2.1: Climate change adaptation
- Awareness raising and communication about climate change in the Programme area.
- Designing, adapting methods and methodologies.
- Experience exchange and learning as result of joint implementation.
- Exchange of best practises.
- Development of climate adaptation strategies and plans, risk, and vulnerability analyses.
- Increased cooperation between research and locally based monitoring.
- Implementation of technologies, digital solutions, tools to cope with climate change and reduce climate impact and carbon emission.
- Involvement and engagement of local and regional stakeholders in policy work, decision-making processes (on national and regional level).
- Measures on Nature based solutions such as of e.g., wetlands, peatlands, mires, rivers.
- SO 2.2: Nature protection & biodiversity
- Data collection, surveys, inventory.
- Analysis, scenarios, plans.
- Designing and adapting methods.
- Joint plans and strategies.
- Knowledge and best practice building and exchange, joint implementation.
- Harmonisation of working methods, guidelines.
- Development of joint sustainable management strategies.
- Restoration, conservation, and increased connectivity.
- Methods for including stakeholders with traditional knowledge in nature management and decision-making.
- SO 2.3: Sustainable mobility
- Cross-border analysis, simulations, and surveys on CO2 reduction measures and modal shifts.
- Green and multimodal cross-border mobility roadmap development.
- Plans, drawings, and designs for green and smart mobility solutions.
- Coordination of smart mobility plans and transport services for cross border functional regions.
- Planning and implementation of digital solutions and processes for decreased CO2 emissions.
- Small-scale pilot actions enabling lower CO2 emissions transport systems, electrification solutions, renewable fuel solutions, more efficient vehicles etc.
- Experience exchange activities as joint seminars, study visits, surveys, and trainings.
P3: A more social Europe: Education, culture and sustainable tourism
- SO 3.1: Education and lifelong learning
- Diversifying, updating, or harmonising the different types of training provision and qualifications.
- Benchmarking and improving services and methods of career counselling.
- Joint efforts in the event of rapid changes in the labour market.
- Encourage companies, workers, and educational institutions to participate in lifelong learning.
- Common efforts to attract a diversity of labour to choose the region as a place to work, study and live in.
- Developing new or transforming previous training to virtual format.
- Develop cross-border education and training supporting entrepreneurship and business skills.
- Language nests / baths, including Sami languages.
- SO 3.2: Culture and sustainable tourism
- Cross-border collaboration, partnerships, knowledge exchange and joint solution and competence-enhancing initiatives.
- joint cross-border products, services, and marketing.
- joint cross-border accessibility and mobility solutions.
- cross-border activities to reinforce the resilience and diversification of tourism and culture sectors.
- SMEs cross-border activities, which will strengthen social enterprises and social innovation.
- Diversification of the tourism sub-sectors.
- Cross-border activities, which are contributing to the livelihoods of local and regional communities.
- Cross-border collaboration in research, development and innovation for the tourism and culture sector.
- Cultural clusters that contribute to the development of creative industries.
- Strengthen the development of cultural tourism by making available and / or visible the culture and cultural heritages.
- Develop culture and creative industries through refined or new cross-border products, methods, services, and networks.
- Development of nature-based tourism by enhancing common and cross-border solutions.
P4: A better Interreg Governance: Better and more sustainable cross-border cooperation
- SO 4.1: Cross-border capacity building
- Cross-border strategies that strengthen regional capacity.
- Feasibility studies for large cross-border regional investments.
- Action plans.
- Cross-border governance projects for better regional functionality and enhancing capacity.
- Initiatives on identifying and eliminating legal and administrative obstacles and implementing recommendations of these initiatives.
- Clustering participation and find synergies within the Arctic Cooperation, by cooperation with ongoing projects in other Arctic Cooperation Programmes.
- Data and statistics related to theregions and Sami groups.
- Long term statistical solutions.
- People to people projects in trust building.
- nstitutional capacity building.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Interreg Aurora projects:
⦁ shall involve partners from at least two participating countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway) and at least one of which shall be a beneficiary from a Member State (Sweden, Finland).
⦁ may be implemented in a single country, provided that the impact on and the benefits for the programme area are identified in the operation application.
Partners shall cooperate in the development and implementation of Interreg operations, as well as in the staffing or financing, or both, thereof.
More information about the partnership can be found here.
other eligibility criteria
Programme area:
- Sub-area Aurora
- FINLAND: Lapland, North Ostrobothnia, Central Ostrobothnia, Ostrobothnia, South Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, North Karelia
- SWEDEN: Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland
- NORWAY: Nordland, Troms and Finnmark
- Sub-area Sápmi:
- FINLAND: Lapland, Northern Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia. In addition to the official area of the Sami homeland (the areas of the municipalities of Enontekiö, Inari and Utsjoki, as well as the area of the reindeer owner's association of Lapland in Sodankylä), the geographical area of the sub-area Sápmi covers the entire region of Lapland, and the regions of North Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia.
- SWEDEN: Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Jämtland, as well as Idre Sameby in Dalarna.
- NORWAY: Troms and Finnmark, Nordland, and Trøndelag as well as parts of Innlandet (Elgå Reinbeitedistrikt).
A small-scale project could be defined as a preparatory project or a pre-study but can also be a normal implementation project with a limited budget. A project with a maximum budget of 20 000 euros per participating country will be considered as a small-scale project. A small-scale project can be intended to lead to an application for a regular project, but it can also have other expected results. A small-scale project is granted with a lump sum based on a draft budget. The lump sum principle means that there is no checking of the actual spending. If the result is achieved and approved by the Joint Secretariat, the payment will be made. If the result/outcome should not be achieved, there will be no payment at all. Note that it is not possible to receive a partial payment.
The Norwegian funding for small-scale projects is limited. The total amount of Norwegian IR-funding possible to allocate to small-scale projects applied for during 2024 is 50 000 EUR. (500 000 NOK). The maximum amount of IR-funding for one project is up to 10 000 euro and shall be based on a specified draft budget in the application.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
between 6 and 12 months
Additional Information
To be able to create an application you need to have a user account in Min Ansökan. The programme manual explains all the required steps.
The earliest start date for an SSP in this call is the 1 June 2025.
Call documents
Interreg Aurora 2021-2017 programmeInterreg Aurora 2021-2017 programme(402kB)
Interreg Aurora- summaryInterreg Aurora- summary(5247kB)
+46 10-225 50 00
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