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Twinning Agrifood - Strengthening sector monitoring, data management and payment administration
Funding Program
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Call number
16.09.2024 10:00
Call budget
€ 900,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
€ 900,000.00
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Call content
short description
The overall objective is to improve agriculture sector performance in line with the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement, the EU Integration process, and international agreements.
Call objectives
The specific objective of the Twinning project is to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) and the Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) for enhanced sector monitoring, data management and efficient administration of agriculture and rural development funds in line with EU requirements and international best practices.
Expected results
Mandatory result/Component 1: Strengthened capacity of the MAFI for enhanced sector monitoring and evaluation and developing elements towards an Integrated Administration and Control System – IACS (e-governance)
Twinning component 1 shall focus on improving monitoring of sector performance and reaching policy objectives and indicators defined in the National strategy for agriculture and rural development 2023-2030 and the National programme 2024-27, in close alignment with the EU acquis and CAP. Thereby, use of existing administrative data sources and data integration shall be prioritized. Inconsistencies between data from different sources shall be identified, investigated and proposals made for improved sector data management and data quality (including its completeness). While a gradual approach shall be applied to the development, concrete measures shall be established that can be achieved within short and medium timeframes based on existing resources, facilitated with Twinning support. Twinging activities shall be based on a situation analysis (defined latest with the initial Twinning work plan) considering the progress achieved towards establishment of the Farm registry and its national roll-out, as well as the implementation of the IACS roadmap. Finally, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry shall be enabled to prepare and publish annual progress reports and strengthen its governance and control/accountability systems via Joint sector reviews with key stakeholders.
Capacities shall be built in view of establishing the IPARD Managing Authority, improved programming and setting up of a reporting and information system to gather financial and statistical information on progress of its programme.
Sub-result 1.1: System for monitoring, evaluation and reporting of agricultural and rural development sector progress and policy implementation established
Achievements to be reached under this sub-component should include, among others, the
- establishment of a monitoring framework and Action plan for the National Strategy for agriculture and rural development, including manual of procedures, specific templates, revised and improved existing guidelines (such as the Data Management Manual and Data Analysis for sector monitoring and reporting), in line with institutional data sharing arrangements and updated functions.
- Defining operational procedures and tools related to institutional, administrative, infrastructural, and technical capacities shall ensure effective workflow, clear lines of reporting, and coordination among targeted MAFI units (including ICTS) and other concerned departments and agencies.
- Human resource development plan, budget framework, IT requirements.
- Amendments to the relevant primary and secondary legislation.
- Outline of the Governance Framework for monitoring and progress review of the National Strategy and programme (including Joint sector reviews with key stakeholders).
- Design an information dissemination strategy, including Agri-food sector Annual performance report(s) and its publication.
Sub Result 1.2: Agriculture data from various sources is integrated to support timely and qualitative sector monitoring, reporting, and evidence-based decision-making
- Action Plan setting out the requirements for integrating agriculture data from various sources into a unified system prepared (to be agreed upon following internal and external consultations).
- Prepared methodological guidelines for piloting the information system currently under development according to EU requirements (such as the sampling methodology for data collection, accountabilities of data collectors, typologies of farmers, the content of questionnaires, etc.).
- Data Exchange Manual with specific information on the accountabilities of data users of concerned agencies, data formats, data flows, timelines, templates, and data quality according to the new requirements. The NBS annual work programme shall be reviewed in close cooperation with the NBS and Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry to improve harmonization/adaptation to data needs, whereby a cautious and realistic approach considering available resources and avoiding increased reporting obligations of economic operators must be applied.
- Depending the progress achieved regarding the establishment of the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) and the National Farm register, support should be provided to their national ‘roll-out’ through provision of Twinning expertise to overcome emerging bottlenecks.
Sub Result 1.3: Improved legal and organisational framework and operational capacities
- Drafted appropriate Amendments to MAFI’s current legislation on organization and functioning, with fiscal and regulatory impact assessed, including support to internal and external consultations.
- Prepared assessments and recommendations for adjustments to the existing organisational structure of MAFI and upgraded internal acts and Manuals of working procedures (Rulebooks of the organisation and systematization) with a particular focus on the Departments of Public Policy Coordination and European Integration Directorate, Food Industry Directorate, and Market Prices Analysis Service.
- Developed updated job descriptions in the new context with appropriate lines of responsibility and accountability.
- Institutional mechanisms (HR Policy, Retention Policy, WLA) for human resource development, maintenance, and improvement of the performance of MAFI staff in charge of Policy Analysis, Formulation, Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation are established.
- Provide advice on system requirements and procurement of external services/delegated activities for establishment, operation and maintenance of digital systems and registries.
- Prepared TNA of targeted departments and a Training Plan to be supported by the Twinning project. This shall include strengthening data analysis capacities.
- Selected staff trained on the implementation of EU quality standards for effective management of agricultural statistics, IACS modules specific aspects, among others.
Mandatory result/Component 2: Institutional and administrative capacity of the Agency for interventions and payment in agriculture (AIPA) towards an EU-like paying agency strengthened
Twinning support under component 2 is aimed at further strengthening the Agency for intervention and payments for agriculture (AIPA) towards an EU-like paying agency (an ‘IPARD Agency’ as intermediate step), more explicitly building capacities of the Anti-Fraud Department and Post-Payment Inspection Department (including a functional Sanction System) as well as improving Information security for achieving ISO27001 standards. Progress shall be monitored based on an initial self-assessment report (checklist) prepared jointly by AIPA Management and Twinning experts.
Sub Result 2.1: Improved legal framework for the competencies of the AIPA
- Prepared action plan for implementation of changes in the legal base (laws and bylaws) with the aim to closely comply with EU regulation and accreditation requirements;
- Prepared assessments and recommendations for the existing organisational structure of AIPA and upgraded internal acts of the AIPA (e.g. Rulebooks for organisation and systematisation reflecting the competencies and responsibilities of the AIPA).
Sub Result 2.2: Strengthened overall administrative and operational capacities of AIPA
- Self assessment report of AIPA towards accreditation as IPARD Agency prepared (min 3 assessments/initial, mid term, TWG final);
- Institutional mechanisms (HR Policy, Retention Policy, WLA) for human resource development, maintenance and improving the performance of the AIPA staff are established;
- Updated Training Plan, prepared TNA (training needs analysis) and a Training Plan for the next 2 years;
- Upgraded existing Manuals of working procedures and prepared new ones for all working organizational processes (e.g. project approval process, control inspection, authorisation of payments, accounting and debt management, execution of payments, advance payments) with a view to the AIPA competencies and responsibilities according to the best practises of the MS and pre-accession countries;
- Detailed checklists for administrative controls (completeness and compliance with eligibility criteria) per measure and detailed checklists for on-the-spot controls;
- Developed operational tools (questioners and checklists for verification of conflict of interest, capital connection and other fraud indicators) related to anti-fraud measures and prevention of corruption for the Anti-Fraud Department;
- Developed operational tools for performing the risk assessment and sampling the projects for on-the-spot verifications in the Department for ex-post payments.
- Established Reference price database, developed methodology for calculation of reference prices and prepared Manual for working procedure for implementation of the methodology.
Sub Result 2.3: Improved Information security for achieving ISO27001 standards
- Upgraded IT Strategy and IT Policy;
- Prepared assessment of the adequateness of the AIPA premises with regards to the fulfilment of ISO 27001 standard or equivalent and including its IT infrastructure. The criteria stipulated in this standard should be applied in those specific areas where such criteria are applicable;
- Prepared assessments, recommendations and action plans for activities to be undertaken for full compliance with ISO 27001.
Sub Result 2.4: Enhanced AIPA staff skills
- Selected Staff trained through pilot simulations on new revised working procedures in compliance with accreditation requirements and making use of similar experience for assessment (administrative and on-the-spot verifications) of EU funds from the member states (techniques, working papers, sampling techniques);
- Selected Staff trained to use new templates of the checklists for administrative controls (completeness and compliance with eligibility criteria) per measure and detailed checklists for on-the-spot controls from the new Manuals of procedures;
- Improved staff capacities for preparing risk assessments including staff trained for preparing fraud risk assessments and anti-fraud measures and for preparing risk assessments and sampling of projects for ex-post verifications;
- Study visits and/or internships for selected AIPA staff to learn EU and IPA best practices on the implementation of the Rural Development Programme, execution of administrative checks in the Project approval and authorization of payment processes, performing on-the-spot checks in the processes of on-the-spot control/inspection before approval, on-the-spot-control/inspection before payment and ex-post on-the-spot control/inspection.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Moldova (Moldova)
eligible entities
Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Only Public Administrations and Mandated bodies as per Twinning Manual of European Union Member State may apply through European Union Member States’ National Contact Points.
Geographical area: Republic of Moldova
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
27 months
Additional Information
Twinning proposals must be submitted by the Member State Administration to the EU Member States National Contact Points for Twinning following the instructions of the Twinning Manual which must be strictly observed (including the use of the template).
Only one Twinning proposal for Member State can be submitted by the Member State National Contact Points for Twinning to the Contracting Authority within the deadline for applications.
The MS application should be submitted to the Contracting Authority via the email address of Member State National Contact Points for Twinning.
Call documents
EuropeAid/182200/DD/ACT/MD Twinning FicheEuropeAid/182200/DD/ACT/MD Twinning Fiche(694kB)
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