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Interreg BG-RS: Open call for SMEs
Funding Program
Interreg Bulgaria-Serbia
11.06.2025 16:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 5,634,599.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
between € 200,000.00 and € 400,000.00
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Call content
short description
The (INTERREG VI-A) IPA Bulgaria – Serbia Programme (2021-2027) is pleased to announce an Open Call for Project Proposals under Priority 1: Competitive Border Region with the specific objective RSO1.3. "Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments."
Call objectives
The following prioritiy objectives and specific objectives have been developed within the programme:
- P1: Competitive border region
- SO 1.1: Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments
Expected results
Eligible activities:
The Priority 1 is focused on the support to the SMEs through direct investments with the aim to increase SMEs competitiveness; aim of expand international markets and promote participation in regional and global supply network and value chains. The project proposals must be in line with the possible actions supported under SO 1.3 “Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments “.
The types of activities financed under the Priority 1 Competitive border region, Specific objective (SO) 1.3. “Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments “.
Under this call for proposals “investment” projects are eligible for funding it means that the project proposals should mainly include investment activities - works, supply, etc. (representing Budget category 5 – Equipment and Budget category 6 Infrastructure and works). The investment component should be at least 60% of the total eligible costs of the entire project.
The projects must also include “soft” measures” activities that are mainly oriented at preparing studies, establishing networks, providing trainings, developing concepts, providing services target groups, raising awareness on specific themes, etc. Soft measures also include people-to-people type of actions, e.g. small scale initiatives among civil society institutions that aim at increasing direct contacts and cooperation across the border among the people and their associations in the region.
Each project under SO1.3 must include investment activities and soft measures. The eligible costs for soft measures shall not exceed more than 40% of the total eligible project.
- Investment Component
- Joint development and implementation of technological solutions that address regional socio-economic challenges;
- Technological and/or organizational investments aimed at reducing the cost of production/service delivery and any other investment leading to joint solutions for increasing enterprise competitiveness including but not limited to purchase of specialized equipment and technologies (inlc. related upskilling), monitoring systems; purchase of IT equipment, training and know-how transfer part of which may consist of digital components such as virtual business centres, e-commerce solutions, possibilities for electronic payments, etc; Joint solutions aimed at increasing productive capacity.
- Investments aimed at improving product/service quality, including but not limited to improvements in the design of product/service features, improvements in customer after-sales service, improvements in product guarantee, total quality management systems, and any other aspect that defines overall product/service quality level;
- “Soft measure” activities
- Joint actions aimed at fostering networking and business collaboration across the border, as well as accessing new markets or market segments including but not limited to marketing studies, distance-spanning technologies, organisational cooperation and joint business schemes with other enterprises, integration into regional value chains, etc.
- Joint marketing and promotion actions, participation in international fairs, exhibitions and other promotional events, consultation and information services, including e-marketing, communication with clients, etc.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Eligible applicants are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) legally registered and operating in the eligible cross-border regions of Bulgaria and Serbia. The project must include at least one SME from each country and meet the Programme’s eligibility criteria. The maximum number of partners in a project shall not exceed two (2) including the Lead Partner.
Partners must comply with all of the following general eligibility criteria:
- be legally established entities according to the national legislation of the state on whose territory they are located;
- be registered and operating not later than 31.12.2021 in the programme area between Bulgaria and Serbia;
- meets the criteria for micro, small and medium size enterprises (SME) as defined in European Union law (EU recommendation 2003/361), and respective national legislation;
- with main economic activity in Division C Manufacturing; Division E Waste management; Division J Information and communications; Division M Professional Scientific and Technical Activities, in accordance with Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community;
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, not acting as an intermediary.
Under the current Call for proposals a single undertaking as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of Regulation (EU) 2023/2831 may participate only in one project proposal. In case a SME or entrepreneurs participates in more than 1 (one) project proposal, as a Lead partner or as a project partner, all submitted proposals will be disqualified.
The importance of the cross-border approach to the topic addressed should be clearly demonstrated. In this matter the project partners from the two participating countries have to cooperate mandatory in at least both joint development and joint implementation and, additionally, one or both of the other two cooperation criteria: joint financing or joint staffing.
other eligibility criteria
The Bulgaria – Serbia cross-border (CB) area is located in South East Europe and covers 13 NUTS III regions or equivalents, namely:
- 6 districts on Bulgarian side - Vidin, Montana, Vratsa districts Sofiyska oblast, Pernik and Kyustendil and
- 7 districts on the Serbian side - Bor, Zaječar, Nišava, Toplica, Pirot, Jablanica and Pčinja.
- The grant per SME must be between € 50,000 and € 200,000.
- Co-Financing: 15% own contribution for Serbian SMEs; 15% national co-financing for Bulgarian SMEs
- Eligible Activities: Investments in technology, digitalisation, resource efficiency, internationalisation, and other activities enhancing competitiveness and productivity.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region, EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
between 12 and 24 months
Additional Information
The project proposal must be submitted entirely in electronic form using the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (JEMS) -
No paper submission of documentation is required under this Call for Proposals.
Detailed instructions for access to the electronic system and submission of project proposal are provided in section User Manual, Application/Project details, Application Form.
The applicants are encouraged to follow the official website of the programme for actual information regarding upcoming info days within this Call.
The Annexes must be submitted using the forms included in the Application Package. Modifying the standard Annexes will result in the rejection of the Application.
The Application Form must be filled in English. The Supporting documents issued by national/local authorities or other bodies shall be attached in the original language accompanied by a translation into English.
Call documents
Interreg Bulgaria-Serbia SME call guidelinesInterreg Bulgaria-Serbia SME call guidelines(1424kB)
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