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Interreg Baltic Sea Region - Small projects
Funding Program
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
05.06.2025 23:59
Funding rate
Estimated EU contribution per project
max. € 500,000.00
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Call content
short description
The Programme has launched a call for small projects, open for applications tackling challenges under Priority 1 - Innovative societies, Priority 2 - Water-smart societies, and Priority 3 - Climate-neutral societies.
Call objectives
The following priorities and specific objectives have been developed within the programme:
- P1: Innovative societies
- SO 1.1: Resilient economies and communities
- SO 1.2: Responsive public services
- P2: Water-smart societies
- SO 2.1: Sustainable waters
- SO 2.2: Blue economy
- P3: Climate-neutral societies
- SO 3.1: Circular economy
- SO 3.2: Energy transition
- SO 3.3: Smart green mobility
Expected results
Please find a non exhaustive list of the objectives below.
P1: Innovative societies
- SO 1.1: Resilient economies and communities
- strengthen European identity based on common values, culture and heritage
- increase innovativeness of the region
- adapt smart specialisation approaches
- adjust innovation ecosystems
- untap digitalisation
- consider uneven territorial development
- SO 1.2: Responsive public services
- deliver tailor-made, needs-based and cost-efficient services
- harmonise systems and standards
- develop solutions responsive to change
- apply emerging digital technologies
- trigger interactions between service providers and the community
- develop public responses across sectors and borders
P2: Water-smart societies
- SO 2.1: Sustainable waters
- adapt existing solutions, develop and implement new solutions in order to prevent and reduce water pollution
- adapt water management practices to the changing climate
- implement cross-sectoral actions
- SO 2.2: Blue economy
- encourage actions for blue businesses
- facilitate joint use of sea space and help mitigate potential conflicts
- strenthen resilience of blue businesses
- mitigate impact of blue businesses on climate change
P3: Climate-neutral societies
- SO 3.1: Circular economy
- create and promote circular environments
- redefine smart specialization approaches
- create business opportunities for environmental and societal benefits
- untap digitalisation
- mind uneven territorial effect and disadvantaged by transition processes
- SO 3.2: Energy transition
- adapt and update policies
- increase distribution of renewable energy across sectors
- coordinate plans and share solutions across borders
- mobilise industry and citizens to apply energy solutions
- SO 3.3: Smart green mobility
- harmonise mobility systems across borders
- mobilise transport companies and citizens to use smart green solutions
- support public authorities in introducing smart green solutions and reducing air pollution in cities
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
The partnership must include at least three project partners from three different countries of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme area: a lead partner and at least two project partners. At least two of the project partners have to be located in the territory of two different EU Member States in the Programme area.
As a general rule, organisations located in the regions belonging to the Programme area can become project partners. In exceptional cases organisations located outside the Programme can apply as project partners for European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) or Norwegian funding. For more details please consult the Programme Manual.
The partnership builds on the lead partner principle, requiring each project platform to designate a lead partner responsible for preparing and submitting the application. The lead partner should be a partner organisation from an Interreg Baltic Sea Region project or an EUSBSR policy area coordinator. Lead partners must fall into the legal status category “public” defined in the Programme Manual (chapter C.2.1).
Partners from EU Member States are entitled to receive up to 80% co-financing from ERDF. Norwegian partners will receive up to 50% co-financing from Norwegian funding. Project partners have to provide their own contribution to receive Programme funding.
The partnership builds on the lead partner principle. Each project has to appoint a lead partner responsible for preparing and submitting the application. The lead partner bears legal responsibility for the whole partnership. The lead partner is also the link between the project partners and the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat of the Programme.
Lead partners:
- Must be legally registered in a Member State or Norwegian territory covered by the Programme area. A legal entity located in Germany or Norway (in the sense of legal registration) but outside the Programme area can still become a lead partner if it follows specific obligations defined in the Programme Manual (chapter C.1.2)
- Must fall into the legal status category “public” defined in the Programme Manual (chapter C.2.1)
The partnership should be composed primarily of local and/or regional and/or national authorities, as well as NGOs. Other types of organisations may participate as project partners as well supporting the public authorities and NGOs in their project tasks. Their role, in particular, the role of education and research organisations, should be well justified and explained in the application. Taking into consideration the limited budget of a small project, its structure and duration small projects can be implemented by smaller partnerships. Organisations that have not previously participated in the Programme, are encouraged to take part as partners in small projects.
other eligibility criteria
The Programme area covers nine countries. It comprises the following EU Member States:
- Denmark: the whole country
- Estonia: the whole country
- Finland: the whole country
- Germany: the States (Länder) of Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein and Niedersachsen (only NUTS II area Lüneburg region)
- Latvia: the whole country
- Lithuania: the whole country
- Poland: the whole country
- Sweden: the whole country
In addition, another country takes part in the Programme:
- Norway: the Regions of Trøndelag, Møre og Romsdal, Vestland, Rogaland, Agder, Vestfold og Telemark, Viken, Innlandet, Oslo
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
max. 24 months
Additional Information
First, lead applicants must complete and submit to the MA/JS a project idea form (PIF). In the PIF lead applicants briefly describe the challenge, partnership, draft work plan, and planned budget. The completed PIF must be sent to the MA/JS at any time after the call is opened but no later than 5 June 2025. The MA/JS provides feedback to applicants via consultations based on the submitted PIFs. The MA/JS aims to provide a consultation to all applicants who wish to have one. Early submission of the PIF will support the MA/JS to fulfil this aim.
PIFs submitted to the MA/JS will be available for the Monitoring Committee of the Programme. Upon applicants’ consent, PIFs will also be shared with the policy area coordinators (PACs) of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). The Monitoring Committee members and PACs may contact the lead applicants and provide guidance on the further development of the project ideas. The MA/JS will not receive information about the guidance provided by the Monitoring Committee members or PACs. It is up to the project partnership to consider how to incorporate the received advice.
Any information in the project idea form, including the MA/JS feedback during the consultation, will not influence the quality assessment of the submitted applications. The MA/JS will conduct the quality assessment solely based on the information from the submitted applications. To fill in a project application form and work with further documents and forms (partner declarations, contact information, bank information), lead applicants must apply for access to the electronic data exchange system BAMOS+ ( Requests for access to BAMOS+ must be submitted by 5 June 2025 at the latest.
The project application and all further documents and forms must be completed and submitted via BAMOS+ by the deadline of 8 October 2025 16:00 CEST.
All documents and forms are submitted in the digital format only.
Call documents
Interreg Baltic Sea - Small Projects 2025Interreg Baltic Sea - Small Projects 2025(264kB)
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