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Improving and strengthening administrative capacity of the Audit Authority for audit of IPARD III programme and preparation for future certification work for EAGF and EAFRD
Funding Program
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Call number
08.05.2025 17:00
Call budget
€ 200,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
€ 200,000.00
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Call content
short description
The overall objective is to prepare Montenegro for sound financial management of the IPARD III programme and, after accession, of the agricultural funds EAGF and EAFRD in line with EU requirements; which will at the same time contribute to fulfilment of obligations from Negotiation chapters 11 Agriculture and rural development, 22 Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments as well as chapter 32 Financial Control.
Call objectives
The project specific objective is to assist the Audit Authority (AA) of Montenegro in strengthening their institutional and administrative capacities for efficient and effective audit of IPARD III programme, as well as preparation for the future certification work for EAGF and EAFRD as Certification Body, through comprehensive trainings (presentations, on the job trainings, internships and study visits) and round off of procedures.
Expected results
This Action will have two components:
Component 1: Strengthening the capacity of Audit Authority for audit of Measures 7 and 9, on IT security as well as increase knowledge on IACS and PRAG rules
- Result 1: Audit Authority staff trained on audit of measure 7 Farm diversification and business development and Measure 9 Technical assistance
- Result 2: Increased level of knowledge on IT security/digitalisation used/needed in the IPARD entities/ future Member state authorities (auditees) relevant for the current tasks and updated AA checklists according to ISO 27002 standard
- Result 3: Comprehensive trainings on IACS and PRAG rules and development of procedures, checklists and working papers related to audit of IACS measures as well as according to PRAG rules
Component 2: Development of relevant procedures for IPARD III and strengthening the capacity of Audit Authority for audit of IPARD III programme
- Result 4: Revised Audit Manual in line with requirements for the audit of IPARD III Programme
- Results 5: AA staff trained on audit of the IPARD III programme as a basic preparation for audit of EAGF and EAFRD, with focus on new requirements, new measures (especially 4 and 6)
The below listed activities are required to achieve the above-mentioned results. The Member State should consider these when developing its own methodology and complement them with its own and other relevant best practise experience and examples so that the above results can be sustainably achieved.
Component 1
Result 1:
- Activity 1.1 - Developing a Training Programme and preparing training materials regarding audit of measures 7 and 9. Experts shall go through the developed checklists for these measures and give comments and suggestions for improving them.
- Activity 1.2 - On the basis of the training programme, organising and conducting on-the-job trainings for at least 7 staff members of the Department. In addition to the presentations, experts shall support AA staff during ongoing audit engagements.
- Activity 1.3. - Hands-on training by conducting 2 study visits of Audit Authority staff in the EU Member State (5 working days, 7 participants per study visit) with focus on specific issues based on AA needs (measure 7 specificities, IACS, construction, production factories, etc.) and preparing the study visit report.
Result 2:
- Activity 2.1. - Organising and conducting on-the-job trainings for at least 7 staff members of the Department related to IT security measures.
- Activity 2.2. - Updating/further development of checklists and working papers for audit of Information security system.
- Activity 2.3. - Introducing updated and new documents related to Information system security. Additionally, experts shall support AA staff during ongoing audit engagements.
Result 3:
- Activity 3.1 - Organising and conducting on-the-job trainings for at least 7 staff members of the Department related to IACS and IACS elements and databases
- Activity 3.2 - Organising and conducting on-the-job trainings for at least 7 staff members of the Department related to PRAG procedures as obligatory for measures 6 and 9
- Activity 3.3 - Development of procedures, checklists and working papers related to audit of IACS measures as well as according to PRAG rules
Component 2
Result 4:
- Activity 4.1 - Conducting analysis of relevant requirements regarding regulations and audit requirements for IPARD III programming period 2021-2027
- Activity 4.2. - Updating / further development of Audit Manual for IPARD with supporting checklist and working papers for the audit of IPARD III
- Activity 4.3. - Introducing manual to AA staff. Additionally, experts shall support AA staff during ongoing audit engagements.
Result 5:
- Activity 5.1 - Conducting training needs analysis for the entire Audit Authority and accordingly developing a training programme for trainings, seminars and workshops.
- Activity 5.2 - On the basis of the Training programme, organising and conducting on-the-job trainings for at least 7 staff members of the Department regarding the new programming period 2021-2027 (IPARD III) with specific focus on new requirements, new measures (especially 4 and 6) . In addition to the presentations, experts shall support AA staff during ongoing audit engagements.
- Activity 5.3 - Organising and conducting 3 internships for Audit Authority experienced IPARD employees in the EU Member State (1 employee per internship, duration of 2 weeks) as hand-on training in order to gain first-hand experience and preparing the corresponding report.
For each of the activities, Member State should present a list of deliverables in their proposal.
Two visibility events will be organised in the course of the implementation of the project; Kick-off meeting at the start of the implementation and the Final meeting at the end of the implementation of the project activities. Linked to these 2 meetings 2 (1 page) articles will be published in the quarterly magazine ‘IPARD ZA TEBE’.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Montenegro (Црна Гора)
eligible entities
Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Only Public Administrations and Mandated bodies as per Twinning Manual of European Union Member States may apply through European Union Member States’ National Contact Points.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
8 Months
Additional Information
Twinning proposals must be submitted by the Member State Administration to the EU Member States National Contact Points for Twinning following the instructions of the Twinning Manual which must be strictly observed (including the use of the template).
Only one Twinning proposal for Member State can be submitted by the Member State National Contact Points for Twinning to the Contracting Authority within the deadline for applications.
The MS application should be submitted to the Contracting Authority via the email address of Member State National Contact Points for Twinning.
Call documents
EuropeAid/183748/DD/ACT/ME Twinning Fiche1EuropeAid/183748/DD/ACT/ME Twinning Fiche1(160kB)
EuropeAid/183748/DD/ACT/ME Twinning Fiche 2EuropeAid/183748/DD/ACT/ME Twinning Fiche 2(26kB)
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