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KAVA Call 13: Call for Innovation & Education Projects
Funding Program
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
28.11.2025 13:00
Funding rate
Estimated EU contribution per project
max. € 2,500,000.00
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Call content
short description
EIT RawMaterials is dedicated to advancing innovation within the raw materials value chain, nurturing groundbreaking ideas and projects that have the potential to make a significant impact. As part of our commitment to sustainable growth, we are also actively developing our financial sustainability strategy, as mandated by the EIT. The Innovation KAVA Projects are to contribute to these goals.
Call objectives
Europe’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRM Act) sets ambitious goals for domestic production, processing, and recycling. To achieve these goals by 2030, Europe must:
- Increase domestic mining to supply at least 10% of Europe’s Critical Raw Materials’ needs.
- Expand processing capacity to cover 40% of Europe’s demand.
- Accelerate recycling efforts to reclaim 25% of end-of-life products.
Diversify supply sources to ensure no more than 65% of any material comes from a single external country.
EIT RawMaterials is committed to transform this vision into reality and making raw materials a strategic strength for Europe. We are the sectors’ leading knowledge and innovation community with more than 300 partners comprising the leaders in industry, research and technology, and academia in the raw materials sector. EIT RawMaterials has successfully deployed over EUR 600M in strategic funding under the Horizon Europe programme, unlocking secondary funding into research, innovation, upscaling, skills and raw materials projects of more than EUR 3.6B.
The European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA), led by EIT RawMaterials, has grown to over 750 members with an overall investment potential of EUR 50B and the potential to close the EU raw materials’ supply-demand gap by between 20-100% across a range of Critical and Strategic Raw Materials.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Moldova (Moldova), Albania (Shqipëria), Armenia (Հայաստան), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина), Faeroes (Føroyar / Færøerne), Georgia (საქართველო), Iceland (Ísland), Israel (ישראל / إِسْرَائِيل), Kosovo (Kosova/Kosovë / Косово), Montenegro (Црна Гора), Morocco (المغرب), New Zealand (Aotearoa), North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Switzerland (Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera), Tunisia (تونس /Tūnis), Türkiye, Ukraine (Україна), United Kingdom
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
All organisations that are eligible for funding under the Horizon Europe programme can apply.
You do not have to be an existing partner organisation of EIT RawMaterials to apply for funding, but by becoming one, you will gain access to a valuable source of expertise and potential collaborators. They will work with you and help build your consortium if, or when, you decide to apply for funding.
We also encourage our partners and stakeholders from industry, research, and education, including start-ups and SMEs, to submit new project proposals. These projects should demonstrate how they will impact significantly on European industrial competitiveness, innovation capacity, and human capital, as well as empower students and entrepreneurs advancing the circular economy and the green and digital transition goals of the European Green Deal.
The project Consortium must consist of a minimum of two Project participants, coming from a minimum of two different countries eligible for Horizon Europe funding, and a maximum of 5 Project participants. No more than 80% of the grant can go to one of the partner.
The lead Project participant must be a Core or Associate Partner (or Linked Third Party to a Core or Associate Partner) of EIT RawMaterials by the time the project starts.
The project Consortium must include Project participants from at least two sides of the knowledge triangle (education, research, industry/business - as defined in the Partner registration documentation). All EIT RawMaterials’ policies, including on diversity and inclusion, apply.
Project participants that are non-members are eligible to apply as Members only if they submit an EIT RawMaterials membership application before the project starts. Failure to apply for EIT RawMaterials membership will result in their removal (including the requested funding) from the proposal (note that the project will be immediately terminated if eligibility criteria are not met at this stage).
other eligibility criteria
- Upscaling KAVA projects are innovation projects based on validated technologies that need additional step(s) for testing, demonstration, proof of concept and up-scaling prior to commercialization. The purpose of these projects is to support good technologies, products, and services that are currently under development to reach market entry.
- All Projects must lead to specific deliverables and outputs over a defined timeline.
- Projects will be financed by EIT RawMaterials (the KIC) only for a defined duration.
- Proposals must meet the highest expectations and performance on the creation of impact (please refer to Strategic Agenda 2021-2027). This is mainly measured by achieving Core KPIs.
- Only the Proposals that are fully aligned with the EIT RawMaterials 2021-2027 Strategic Agenda will be considered for funding. In particular, the Proposal should address at least one of the topics listed in the Lighthouse Appendix and must be developed in close cooperation with the KIC staff that have been assigned to the Proposal. Proposals that do not address the topics listed in the Lighthouse Appendix will be considered for funding, but will be given lower priority
- The EIT RawMaterials Lighthouses are the following:
- Circular Societies
- Sustainable Materials
- Responsible Sourcing
- Upscaling Projects must aim for market introduction and/or a commercial use within 2 years or less after the end of Project, and shorter time for market introduction and/or a commercial use will be favourably evaluated.
- Projects that aim for commercialization within the project duration will be evaluated positively. The proposal must clearly state who (which Project participant) will be responsible for commercialisation, and outline a plan for market introduction. The Project should outline the Commercialising partners’ profile and/or main characteristics and must demonstrate that they have experienced marketing/finance/sales people on the team.
- Upscaling Projects need to be based on a solid market analysis, covering important aspects such as the business environment (e.g., technical, regulatory, social, environmental and political aspects, user needs and targeted applications, customer value proposition, target market(s) (e.g., size, structure, growth potential, segmentation), risk assessment, design or market studies, and intellectual property exploration. A preliminary market analysis must be included in the Proposal and will be the basis for the Go-to-market strategy that will be developed in Work Package 0 (WP0) during the project. The Go-to-market strategy will be updated throughout the duration of the Project and enable go/no-go decisions following quarterly or annual reviews. No-go decisions may result in various consequences, such as suspension or discontinuation of the funding.
- Projects that have the potential to become investment cases for the European Raw Materials Alliance within the funding period will be evaluated positively and will be given a priority over other projects that have achieved a similar score in the quality criteria.
- The technology must be at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of at least 5 at the beginning of the project, corresponding to a “system complete and qualified”. Information must be provided in the Proposal to substantiate in detail how this will be achieved. The Project may be scored very low or even deemed to be ineligible without a detailed and convincing substantiation of this condition.
- At the end of the project, the technology is expected to have reached a TRL of at least 8, corresponding to a “system prototype demonstration in operational environment”. Information must be provided in the application to substantiate this claim, and the project may be scored very low or even deemed to be ineligible without it.
- Consortia are encouraged to consider offering our EIT RM Alumni an internship in their project and/or a site visit. Our Alumni are past or present participants in EIT RM Education, Innovation or Business Development activities and we strongly encourage you to register to the EIT Raw Materials Alumni community that is open not only to students. Indeed the EIT RM Alumni Association would assist in the logistics involved in an internship or study/Project visit.
- Proposals claiming to achieve any positive environmental impact, such as resource and energy savings, waste reduction, waste valorisation, emissions reduction, etc., must include a Work Package on the assessment of the environmental impacts of the developed products or processes using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodologies.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
max. 30 months
Additional Information
It is expected that the budget for each Project will be no less than EUR 500,000 per year (including EIT funding and consortium co-funding) and not be higher than EUR 2.500,000 for the total duration of the Project.
It is mandatory for all Candidates to register in the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal and obtain a Participant Identification Code (PIC) number.
Proposals must be registered by
- Friday 28th February 2025 at 13.00 CET (Berlin time) for cut-off 2
- Friday 30th May 2025 at 13.00 CET (Berlin time) for cut-off 3
- Friday 29th August 2025 at 13.00 CET (Berlin time) for cut-off 4
- Friday 28th November 2025 at 13.00 CET (Berlin time) for cut-off 5
using the SeedBook online platform.
The registration form will become available through Seedbook by end of September 2024. Following registration, the Proposal will be assigned to a Project Officer who will be the primary point of contact for the Project Coordinator throughout the submission process. Note that Project Coordinators will be able to access the online Proposal submission template only after their project has been registered and assigned to a Project Officer.
The Proposal submission can take place at the aforementioned cut-off dates, with a proposal that must contain sufficient and mandatory information for a comprehensive evaluation.
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