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Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak: Application round 2025:1
Funding Program
Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak
14.02.2025 23:59
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 44,400,000.00
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Link to the submission
Call content
short description
Projects that want to apply for funding must choose a focus area (Green Transition, Transport and Mobility or Borderless Labour Market). The focus area Innovation and Entrepreneurship is closed for applications. The reason is that the funds in the pot are basically exhausted.
Call objectives
The following priorities and specific objectives were developed as part of the program:
- P2: Green transition
- SO 2.1: Promotion of renewable energies
- SO 2.2: Promoting climate adaptation and risk reduction
- SO 2.3: Promoting the transition to a circular economy
- P3: Transport and mobility
- SO 3.1: Developing sustainable, climate-resilient and intermodal mobility
- P4: Markinga borderless workforce
- SO 4.1: Promoting a borderless labor market region
Expected results
The following measures are proposed in the program (non-exhaustive list):
P2: Green transition
- SO 2.1: Promotion of renewable energies
- Knowledge exchange on the development, planning and implementation of renewable energy installations
- Feasibility studies on renewable energy sources and renewable energy installations
- Demonstration projects and pilot implementation of renewable energy resources, renewable energy facilities and methods to improve the use of renewable energy resources
- Testing new solutions for the use and storage of renewable energy resources
- Living Labs (cross-border) focusing on renewable energy resources, energy efficiency and smart energy systems
- Offshore wind, waves and other offshore renewables: testing/demonstrating cost-effective solutions for the transmission and storage of offshore power generation
- "Power to X" (P2X) is an important technology in the context of EAC. The program will therefore support projects that develop demonstrations to ensure that fluctuating energy levels are used to produce green fuels such as methanol, hydrogen, ammonia or electrofuels. This should increase the share of renewable energies in overall energy consumption.
- Measures to strengthen cross-border cooperation in the energy sector
- Scaling up and introducing relevant solutions
- Measures to raise awareness, influence behavior and empower citizens to contribute to the energy transition
- SO 2.2: Promoting climate adaptation and risk mitigation
- Mapping the needs and status of climate change adaptation
- Development and testing of methods and standards
- Solutions for climate-adapted spatial planning, e.g. for the location of residential, industrial, transport and energy infrastructure in relation to risk areas
- Pilot implementations of experiments with modified water systems to prevent large-scale damage and disasters
- Development of cooperation networks
- Policy recommendations
- Cross-border solutions for climate challenges
- SO 2.3: Promoting the transition to a circular economy
- Development of the circular innovation system
- Skills enhancement and development work to promote circular innovation
- Efforts to increase business readiness for change
- Establish systemic change with circular business models in priority sectors (e.g. architecture, construction, interior design, transportation, plastics, textiles, electronics and bioeconomy)
- Expansion and visualization of circular systems with new business opportunities at sector level
- Experiments to test circular solutions
- Development of policy measures to change instruments and guidelines
- Stimulating the development of circular businesses
- Design and product development for the circular economy
- Circular economy business models
- Facilitating the commercialization of circular innovations
- Pilot projects involving consumers
- Established territorial circular economy partnerships that develop system solutions
- Public companies as pioneering organizations
- Test projects for circular solutions
- Public procurement as an instrument for change. Awareness-raising and behavioral change actions among public actors (municipalities, regions) on circular economy models for purchasing, maintenance and procurement requirements (Circular Public Procurement)
- Systems that make it easier for citizens to rent, borrow and repair
- Development of the circular innovation system
P3: Transport and mobility
- SO 3.1: Development of sustainable, climate-resilient and intermodal mobility
- Public transport, walking and cycling, environmentally friendly fuels and related technologies and infrastructure, adaptation of infrastructure to climate change. Examples of measures: Needs analysis, exchange of experience, development and testing of solutions to make public transport more attractive for users - also in combination with walking and cycling. Demonstration/testing of solutions/concepts for the refueling and charging infrastructure for sustainable fuels and for vehicles powered by sustainable fuels.
- Intelligent and innovative transport solutions and mobility concepts. Example of measures: Research into how digital technologies can make transportation more sustainable, efficient and sustainable, efficient and user-friendly. Development and testing of new mobility concepts between different modes of transport.
- Development of transport corridors, freight and maritime transport (including short sea shipping and inland waterways) over longer distances, connection to the TEN-T core network. Examples of measures: Analysis of freight traffic flows, bottlenecks and investment needs in cross-border transport infrastructure. Benchmarking the climate footprint and socio-economic impact of transport corridors. Development and testing of solutions for more efficient and sustainable freight transport.
P4: Markers for borderless work
- SO 4.1: Promoting a borderless labor market region
- Examples of projects geared towards the economy
- Advising companies on the laws and regulations applicable to a cross-border market
- Cross-border business networks and sector advisory boards
- Joint e-ID for employees and companies
- Examples of projects geared towards the education system
- Increased mobility within education and training systems, including cross-border internship opportunities
- Cross-border coordination of supply and demand as well as education and labor markets, e.g. in the healthcare sector
- Harmonization of training and certification of employees across borders
- Development/transfer of methods and practices for different employment strategies between stakeholders from different countries in the ECSC area
- Development and/or comparison of methods and models for skills matching, interaction of education and working life, validation, reduction of study interruptions/drop-outs, cooperation on internships and digitalization
- Creation of training courses that meet the needs of the labor market, such as commissioned training courses
- Labor market-oriented project examples
- Development of cross-border labor market analyses, knowledge base and statistical cooperation
- Establishment of knowledge platforms for the collection and analysis of cross-border statistics and the exchange of experience of methods, models and results analyses
- Improving information and advice for cross-border commuters and companies, increasing the level of awareness of cross-border information services
- Reduction of formal border obstacles, e.g. in the areas of social security, education and the labor market, and informal/mental border obstacles
- National lobbying to reduce the number of border obstacles
- Cross-sectoral cooperation to tackle the challenges of the cross-border labor market, including the development and/or implementation of new digital solutions
- Creation of networks for the exchange of experience and sharing of knowledge on the cross-border labor market and cross-border education Campaigns to promote the ECSC area internationally and attract talent.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Each project has to involve partners from at least two countries.
All types of organizations except individual traders or private individuals can apply for funding.
Each project must meet at least three out of four cooperation criteria:
- Joint development (mandatory)
- Joint implementation (mandatory)
- Joint financing (optional)
- Joint staffing (optional)
All available funds within each priority area will be announced. EUR 19.7 million remains in the Green Transition, EUR 10.9 million in Transport and Mobility and EUR 13.7 million in the Borderless Labour Market. Of the Norwegian funds, EUR 3.8 million remains.
Projects receive 60% funding (50% for Norwegian partners). However, a maximum amount of EUR 300,000 applies in Norwegian funding applied for per project.
other eligibility criteria
Danish, Swedish and Norwegian regions that are part of Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak:
- North Jutland
- Central Jutland
- Zealand
- The capital city
- Skåne
- Halland
- Västra Götaland
- Østfold
- Akershus
- Oslo
- Buskerud
- Telemark
- Vestfold
- Agder
It is possible to apply for funding within one of three sub-geographies, i.e. overall within the Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, or only the Öresund (with the regions Skåne, Hovedstaden and Zealand) or only the Kattegat-Skagerrak (with the regions Halland, Västra Götaland, Østfold, Akershus, Oslo, Vestfold, Buskerud, Telemark, Agder, North Jutland and Central Jutland).
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
max. 36 months
Additional Information
Before your application, you need to familiarise yourself with the programme handbook, which contains the regulations and guidance for indicators.
It is in the e-service "My application" that you submit your project application. You do this by answering a series of questions. You must also fill in a budget appendix and other documents and certificates that must then be attached to the application.
Call documents
Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak Programme Document 2021-2027 -SwedishInterreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak Programme Document 2021-2027 -Swedish(401kB)
Presentation Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak 2021-2027- swedishPresentation Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak 2021-2027- swedish(1362kB)
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