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Call key data
Interreg Poland-Ukraine: Small Project Fund - Environment
Funding Program
Interreg Poland-Ukraine
31.01.2025 23:59
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 5,111,345.00
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Call content
short description
The Joint Secretariat on behalf of the Managing Authority launch the dedicated call for the co-financing proposal within the Interreg NEXT Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme (priority 1. Environment. Specific objective 1.4. Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy).
Call objectives
The following priorities and specific objectives have been developed within the programme:
- P1: Environment
- SO 1.4: Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
As part of this specific objective the following initiatives could be implemented:
- Joint initiatives for the improvement of household waste management and residual waste treatment and promoting innovative solutions related to the transition to a circular economy
- Promoting rational waste management (minimizing generation, promoting segregation, increasing recycling and repurposing) and raising awareness of challenges concerning environmental issues
Expected effects and impacts
Output indicators:
- RCO81. Participations in joint actions across borders. Target value: 180 participations;
- RCO116. Jointly developed solutions. Target value: 32 solutions.
Result indicators:
- RCR85. Participations in joint actions across borders after project completion. Target value: 18 participations;
- RCR104. Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations. Target value: 26 solutions.
Expected results
The indicative list of eligible cross-border activities:
- small-scale innovative environmentally positive solutions and infrastructure addressing specific visible improvements of local environmental conditions, raising awareness in the general population on the matter;
- promotion of innovative solutions related to the transition to a circular economy and cross-border initiatives related to the technology transfer, utilisation of research outcomes and adaptation to local needs and capacities of local and regional authorities, public utility providers and professional associations practitioners, related to product design, waste management, resource efficiency and recycling;
- initiatives creating conditions and specific solutions for the promotion of eco-friendly lifestyles, monitoring, assessment, prevention and solving of the common issues of local communities concerning waste management and environmental protection.
Main target groups of support:
- units of state, regional and local administration, associations of these units and institutions subordinate to them;
- other public law entities (e.g., chambers, government administration bodies);
- units of higher education and research institutions;
- non-governmental organisations.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
The call for the SPF Beneficiaries is dedicated, that means that potential beneficiaries are pre-defined as follows:
- Programme ‘Environment’ priority: Ternopil Regional Development Agency (UA).
The main tasks of the SPF beneficiary are:
- Elaboration and update of the Manual for the small projects (see p. 2.8 for details), its submission to the JS for consultation and to the MA for approval. The Manual shall be elaborated by each of the SPF beneficiary. At the same time, the JS may request an amendment of the Manual provisions in order to align approaches in both SPF projects.
- Conducting calls for small projects, open to both Polish and Ukrainian institutions, by carrying-out i.a.
- information and promotion activities in national languages, organized on both sides of the border as well as online,
- training and consultations for potential applicants in the national languages, organized on both sides of the border as well as online, ensuring equal treatment of potential applicants from the entire programme area,
- operating the IT system for the submission and implementation of small projects,
- organizing calls for proposals and evaluating applications (including the assessment of the draft budget and the presence of de minimis, if necessary involving external experts),
- convening and organizing meetings of a Polish-Ukrainian Small Project Fund Committee;
- Implementation of small projects
- concluding contracts with beneficiaries of small projects from Poland and Ukraine (and amending them, if necessary) and supervising the implementation of these contracts, including keeping them on schedule,
- analysis, verification and approval of changes in small projects,
- support for Polish and Ukrainian beneficiaries at all stages of the implementation of small projects, in national languages,
- providing information and aid concerning the IT system for management of small projects;
- verification and confirmation of the correctness of implementation of Polish and Ukrainian small projects’ tasks, settled using simplified cost options and verification of correct application of simplified cost options;
- (if applicable) providing and monitoring de minimis aid granted to small projects beneficiaries;
- applicable for the SPF Beneficiary located in Poland only: in the case of applying for funding for small projects and the costs of managing the SPF project from the state budget, the SPF beneficiary are responsible for obtaining and accounting for funds from the state budget in accordance with the applicable national procedures. Polish beneficiaries obtain and settle funds from the earmarked reserve of the state budget for all eligible Polish beneficiaries or partners of small projects (including Polish beneficiaries who have received funding, also in a project with a Ukrainian SPF beneficiary).
- Implementation and settlement of SPF
- use and settlement of the pre-financing payments from the Programme,
- returning the amount due in the process of recovery of funds. If in an SPF project or a small project, a grant has been paid for ineligible expenditure, expenditure incurred incorrectly or the provisions of the grant contract have been breached, or if funds have been collected unduly or in an excessive amount, then the SPF Beneficiary shall return the unduly paid grant to the programme account, in whole or in part, respectively;
- ensuring that the expenses presented by the small project beneficiaries for reimbursement are correct and eligible and that lump sums have been calculated correctly, i.e.:
- confirmation of achievement of indicators specified for a given small project, verification of documents presented by the small project beneficiaries as confirmation of the tasks implementation (and relevant lump sum amounts),
- monitoring visits for small projects (in the case of sample checking – based on the risk analysis prepared by the FMP beneficiary),
- accounting for SPF management costs (simplified methods only),
- ensuring the adequate audit trial for all the tasks being the responsibility of the SPF beneficiary,
- monitoring the implementation of small projects and the entire SPF project, maintaining a database for monitoring small projects – preparing monthly information for the MA on the status of implementation of small projects,
- if applicable, submitting partial request for payments from the SPF project containing a summary of expenses incurred as part of small projects and expenses incurred as part of management costs to the appropriate controller in the CST2021 system,
- submitting request for payment from the SPF project to the JTS in the CST2021 system,
- maintaining entries in the CST system,
- fulfilling informational and promotional obligations for the SPF,
- performing the tasks of the Personal Data Administrator in relation to the collection of personal data regarding small projects, processed in documents or electronically, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
other eligibility criteria
Implementation period of the SPF project shall be finalized by December 31, 2027.
The support area is as follows:
- in Poland – Podlaskie, Mazowieckie (Ostrołęcki and Siedlecki subregions only), Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships;
- in Ukraine – Volyn, Lviv, Zakarpattya, Rivne, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts.
Management cost limit of this amount is 1 022 269,00 EUR (max 20 % of total eligible costs of the SPF project), whereas 4 089 076,00 EUR shall be directed for the small projects implementation. Eligible management costs amount directly depends on the reported and settled expenditures of the small projects.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
Additional Information
The potential SPF Beneficiary shall submit the Application form and required supporting documents online, using the WOD2021 Application system. The Application form as well as all supporting documents, based on the Programme templates, shall be submitted in English.
The Application form template, binding for the regular projects (vide Programme 1 st call for proposals) shall be used.
The application procedure is described in detail in the PL-UA 21-27 WOD2021 Applicant Manual – Application form (Annex I to the current document ).
The potential Beneficiary shall refer in its Application to essential aspects of the related priority as well as to organisational and managerial issues connected with the implementation of the SPF, including:
- detailed description of the management structure of the potential SPF Beneficiary institution, explanation of its institutional and financial capacities, justification of institution relevance to the role of SPF Beneficiary;
- presentation of clear and concise mechanism of assurance equal access for all potential beneficiaries of small projects from all Programme regions, especially from the other side of both countries;
- preliminary schedule of conducting calls for the small projects;
- information on the way of keeping information on implemented small projects (database);
- detailed description of the planned promotion and visibility activities, including the event required by article 36.4 of the Interreg regulation.
The potential Beneficiary shall declare in its Application achievement of the output and result indicators in a full scope, as foreseen in the Programme document.
Call documents
Interreg Poland-Ukraine Small Project Funds ManualInterreg Poland-Ukraine Small Project Funds Manual(919kB)
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