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Call key data
Interreg South Baltic - 4th call for proposals
Funding Program
Interreg South Baltic
04.02.2025 15:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 27,006,075.00
Link to the call
Call content
short description
The 4th call for regular projects is open in Programme Measures 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 4.1. For the call, additional call-specific requirements have been defined on indicators in Programme Measures 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1 and on the partnership in Programme Measure 4.1.
Call objectives
The following priorities and specific objectives have been developed within the programme:
- P1: Innovative South Baltic
- SO 1.1: Digitalising the region
- P2: Sustainable South Baltic
- SO 2.1: Supporting transition towards green energy
- SO 2.2: Promoting sustainable use of water
- P3: Attractive South Baltic
- SO 3.1: Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism
- P4: Active South Baltic
- SO 4.1: Strengthen the cooperation capacity of actors based within the South Baltic Area (including civil society)
Expected results
The programme proposes the following (non exhaustive list) types of measures:
P1: Innovative South Baltic
- SO 1.1: Digitalising the region
- developing, demonstrating and implementing cross-border solutions regarding digitalisation of public services (e.g. developing inclusive new e-services: in transport (e-ticket), in health care (e-Care) etc.)
- developing, demonstrating and implementing cross-border solutions regarding digitalisation of processes in different sectors (e.g. in maritime (joint security standards and applications for small ports), in logistics (optimization of transport of passengers and goods), etc.)
- development of joint cross-border learning modalities that focus on digitalisation (e.g. online tools, apps, etc.) in the most relevant sectors (e.g. blue and green economy, sustainable transport)
- actions aimed at building platforms for cooperation of digital innovation hubs / universities / R&D institutions and SMEs to support the modernisation and digitalisation in the SBA
- joint actions aimed at promotion of digitalisation processes and new digital solutions (e.g. cross-border promotion campaigns etc.) joint actions aimed at enhancing social aspects of digitalisation (i.e. digital inclusion), including development of e-services for elderly people and / or people with disabilities
- support of development of specific digital competences of the employees of institutions of public sector related to the integration of jointly developed digital solutions (e.g. uptake of e-solutions in transport, e- health care, platforms for cross-border cooperation) to public administration processes
- transfer of knowledge and exchange of best practices on technical standards between regions
P2: Sustainable South Baltic
- SO 2.1: Supporting transition towards green energy
- promoting areas of joint cooperation regarding energy policies, e.g. joint strategy development, joint cross-border studies, action plans and joint development of harmonisation tools, spatial development plans etc. In this context we intend to ensure coordination with other programmes and cooperation forums in the Baltic Sea Basin, including the INTERREG Baltic Sea Programme, the EU Macro Regional EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and especially the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan (BEMIP), namely for the cooperation stream on offshore wind and related grid infrastructures and the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – HELCOM
- developing, demonstrating and implementing joint solutions in production and utilisation of energy from renewable sources; complementary actions may target distribution and storage of renewable energy to ensure its proper integration to the energy systems. The requirements of environmental protection, especially regarding the network of protected areas and ecological corridors, as well as other, laws (e.g. MSFD) should be respected
- promoting the use of renewable energy and green fuels (e.g. pilots and knowledge exchange and best practices in the maritime sector) and support establishing new markets in the SB area
- elaboration of cross-border joint green policy strategies and patterns to overcome challenges and mobilise regional opportunities for renewable energies, including models for cooperation with energy service companies on comprehensive energy solutions in the SB area
- elaboration and testing of common cross-border standards in renewable energy by public entities, in cooperation with universities, research centres, companies and cooperatives of farmers and residents
- capacity building actions, transfer of knowledge and exchange of best practices on renewable energy, green technology solutions
- SO 2.2: Promoting sustainable use of water
- promoting areas of joint cooperation regarding water management policies, e.g. joint strategy development, joint cross-border studies, action plans etc.
- developing, demonstrating and implementing cross-border green technology solutions in water management (incl. sustainable land use and wastewater collection and treatment) and nature-based flood water management in the SB area
- developing and testing of innovative cross-border solutions aimed at decreasing the outflows of nutrients from small and diffuse sources in catchment areas (incl. evaluation of the cost effectiveness of solutions)
- developing and testing of innovative cross-border solutions for sustainable water management that influences positively the biodiversity in waters and the nature protection
- joint development of solutions which help to secure various conflicting water uses that serve public interests (e.g. recreation and free time vs. water usage, as well as water resource protection), as well as the future water supply (both for drinking water and industrial water)
- elaboration and testing of common cross-border standards in waste and water management by public entities, in cooperation with universities, research centres, companies and cooperatives of farmers and residents
- promoting areas of joint cooperation regarding the enhancement of aqua-culture with the main focus on reducing eutrophication and pollution of the waters of the South Baltic Area
- developing, demonstrating and implementing solutions for reducing pollution of the Baltic Sea by chemical munitions and other dangerous remains of sunken oil ships)
- capacity building actions, transfer of knowledge and exchange of best practices in the fields of water management and wastewater collection and treatment
P3: Attractive South Baltic
- SO 3.1: Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism
- building or strengthening cross-border networks of the SBA outreach of tourism and cultural actors and exchange of knowledge in the field of development of tourism or culture
- increasing common tourist potential and strengthening joint tourist and cultural offer, including:
- joint strategies and joint solutions for tourism and cultural sectors, including the creative industries, development of innovative solutions related to tourism and culture (including digital solutions, and also support to improvement of digital skills, as supplementary part of projects)
- improvement of cross-border offer and products of sustainable tourism, small-scale tourism infrastructure, including also small investments in cross-border tourism routes and preservation of joint cultural heritage, adaptation of these sites to the needs of people with special requirements or disabilities
- actions strengthening the sustainability dimension of tourism: pro-ecological solutions, reducing the negative impact on the environment, promotion of slow tourism and health tourism, actions involving local communities into the functioning of tourism and culture sectors, use of social innovations in tourism and culture
- activities promoting the common brand of the South Baltic and joint cultural or natural tourism heritage e.g. promotion campaigns or events
P4: Active South Baltic
- SO 4.1: Strengthen the cooperation capacity of actors based within the South Baltic Area (including civil society)
- Delivery of initiatives (cross-border programmes, trainings, workshops etc.), aimed at strengthening the networking and cooperation capacity of local actors
- Activities supporting joint local self-government administration/agencies and other institutions (e.g. NGOs) building multi-level governance and supporting cross-border dialogue,
- Actions aimed at developing stronger links between citizens and institutions at a cross-border level civil society and bottom-up involvement in decision- and policy making, e.g. in the field of cooperation on marine pollution or cooperation between youth secretariats;
- Activities increasing the involvement of local actors (e.g. NGOs, cultural institutions, non-formalized organizations, organizations supporting people with disabilities and from vulnerable groups) in cross-border project development and intercultural dialogue
- Supporting youth empowerment and engagement of youth into civil society and actions of cross-border dimension
- Actions supporting exchange of experience in the field of social innovation among universities, high school and vocational school students as well as graduates in order to enhance cooperation governance and capacities
- Awareness-raising and promotion measures among local actor groups to increase trust, promote cooperation culture and common identity of the actors based
- Actions supporting cross-border cooperation building and finding cross-border partners for local actors suffering the consequences of suspension of cross-border cooperation programmes linked to Russia, including partners from the Olsztyński sub-region
- Development and promotion of models, networks gathering divers actors especially small institutions and those from rural and peripheral areas (e.g. research institutions, SMEs, business development organisations, universities, public entities) to improve the cooperation capacity, which will not be part of thematic PO1-PO4
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
The minimum requirement for projects is to have two project partners from the Programme Area from two different Member States. The Programme strongly emphasises that projects involving project partners from the Programme area from only two Member States are not the prime target and can be funded only in exceptional and well justified cases. Cooperation of project partners from the Programme area from at least three different Member States are supported by the Programme foremost.
As a general rule, the size and the composition of the partnership shall correspond to the planned project activities, therefore the number of project partners in individual projects may differ from the recommended project size. The minimum requirement sets the smallest partnership, but it is strongly recommended to involve relevant partners from the whole Programme area to demonstrate its authentic cross-border nature.
Based on previous experience, the recommended partnership size is 6–8 partners in a regular project.
In each project, one partner should be introduced with a leading role representing the whole partnership, and act as a lead partner.
Cross-border cooperation among different organisations is the core of the South Baltic Programme. The projects are expected to apply it throughout their lifetime, demonstrating compliance with four cooperation criteria: joint development, implementation, staffing and financing.
In order to act as a lead partner in the South Baltic Programme project an organization has to meet the following criteria:
- Eligible legal form:
- national, regional and local authorities;
- bodies governed by public law (as defined in Art 2(1) of Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC (OJ L 94, 28.3.2014). This means bodies that have all of the following characteristics:
- established, under public or private law, for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character, and
- having legal personality, and
- financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law associations of one or several regional or local authorities;
- associations of one or several bodies governed by public law;
- European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) (as defined in the Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 as amended by Regulation (EU) No 1302/2013).
- Eligible geographical location:
- Programme area (referring to the legal address of the organisation)
- In justified cases, organisations of national or regional level that are located outside the Programme area but in the Programme Member State and have a recognizable impact and/or functional links with the Programme area. In such cases it is strongly recommended that the JS is contacted in advance to confirm eligibility.
- The national/regional authorities which have territorial jurisdiction over the Programme region also can become lead partners if justified.
In order to act as a project partner in the South Baltic Programme an organization has to meet the following criteria.
- Eligible legal form:
- national, regional and local authorities;
- bodies governed by public law (as defined in Art 2(1) of Directive 2014/24/EU);
- associations of one or several regional or local authorities;
- associations of one or several bodies governed by public law;
- European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) (as defined in the Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 as amended by Regulation (EU) No 1302/2013).
- SME associations and clusters;
- Chambers of commerce, trade unions and NGOs;
- other entities established under public or private law operating for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character;
- SMEs.
- Eligible geographical location:
- Programme area (referring to the legal address of the organisation).
- In justified cases, organisations located outside the Programme area, but within the EU.
- Applicants located outside the Programme area, but in the EU Member States, are entitled to receive a maximum of 80% of ERDF co-financing.
- For partners from EU Member States outside the Programme area, special agreements are needed between the MA and the EU Member State in question, wherefore the JS should be consulted as early on as possible.
If an organisation does not comply with the eligibility requirements or does not intend to become financially involved in the project but is willing to take part in the projects, it may take on the role of the associated partner: these partners participate in the activities of the project but are not directly involved in the design and implementation of the project and have no budget share. Associated partners may come from the EU Member States only.
other eligibility criteria
The coastal regions of 5 EU Member States define the South Baltic Programme area.
Germany: districts (Landkreise) of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Nordwestmecklenburg, Rostock, Vorpommern-Rügen, Vorpommern-Greifswald and district-free city (kreisfreie Stadt): Rostock
Denmark: Regional Municipality of Bornholm and Region Zealand (subregions: Østsjælland, Vest- og Sydsjælland)
Lithuania: counties of Klaipėda, Tauragė and Telšiai
Poland: subregions of: Miasto Szczecin, Szczeciński, Szczecinecko-pyrzycki, Koszaliński, Słupski, Starogardzki, Chojnicki, Gdański, Trójmiejski, Elbląski and Olsztyński
Sweden: counties of: Kalmar, Blekinge, Skåne and Kronoberg
Available funding per specific objective:
1.1 Digitalising the region: € 2,942,742.20
2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy: € 7,263,155.80
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water: € 4,375,054.87
3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient and innovative tourism: € 8,327,913.30
4.1 Strengthen the cooperation capacity of actors based within the South Baltic Area (incl. civil society): €3,670,595.52
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
Additional Information
All Application Forms should be filled in and submitted via the WOD2021 Application system and accompanied with the supporting documents:
- Supplementary Application Form (MS Excel).
- Additional documents to be filled in, signed, dated, and stamped using the relevant template forms (where available):
- Project Partner Declarations;
- Letters of Commitment for all associated partners (if applicable);
- Letter of Dedication and Support from EUSBSR PA (if applicable). Projects should approach Priority Area Coordinator no later than 31st of May 2024 and include project idea form in their request;
- Declaration of compliance with the DNSH principle (if applicable);
- Statements on non-discrimination (Polish partners only).
Call documents
Interreg South Baltic Programme 4th CallInterreg South Baltic Programme 4th Call(512kB)
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