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Interreg Bavaria-Austria: large-scale projects (3rd cut-off date)
Funding Program
Interreg Bavaria-Austria
31.03.2025 23:59
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 61,500,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
min. € 35,000.00
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Call content
short description
The INTERREG VI-A Program Bavaria - Austria 2021-2027 pursues the strategy of an innovative, sustainable economy, a resilient environment, sustainable tourism as well as integrated regional development - embedded in a joint cross-border INTERREG governance. Large-scale projects can be submitted in all specific objectives (SO), with the exception of SO 6.
Call objectives
The program architecture includes 5 Priorities (PA), which are thematically divided into a total of 7 Specific Objectives:
- Priority 1: Sustainable Economy
- Objective 1: Innovative and accessible cross-border knowledge system
- Objective 2: Sustainable and competent business landscape
- Priority 2: Resilient environment
- Objective 3: Proactive management of climate change and climate adaptation
- Objective 4: Protection, enhancement and renewal of biodiversity
- Priority 3: Sustainable tourism
- Objective 5: Sustainable and integrated tourism development
- Priority 4: Integrated regional development
- Objective 6: Integrated territorial development to ensure quality of life (not for large-scale projects)
- Priority 5: Cross-border governance
- Objective 7: Joint reduction of border obstacles
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Expected results
Objective 1: Innovative and accessible cross-border knowledge system.
The R&D&I power shall be further strengthened by using the potential of the whole region and possible synergies. In order to set impulses for new things, the regional knowledge systems are to be made accessible to companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular should benefit from this and participate more strongly in the innovation process. Through the cross-border approach, potentials can be multiplied, synergies can be used and can be put into value for the regional economy in a demand-oriented way. Long-term networks are to be created and the competitiveness of the regions in Europe and internationally is to be ensured. The projects to be implemented within the framework of this INTERREG program are understood as a supplement to Pillar II of Horizon Europe and the IBW programs in Austria and Bavaria. The focus is on a joint, cross-border deepening and (further) development of regional technology fields as well as the improved accessibility and use of (semi-)public R&D&I capacities for entrepreneurial innovation activities. Overall, the projects to be funded must contribute to the development of R&D&I activities in the program area.
Objective 2: Sustainable and competent business landscape in the program area
In addition to the knowledge system, entrepreneurial capacity must also be secured. In this sense, entrepreneurial competencies for innovation, specialization, agility and resilience are to secure the future viability of the economy in the program area. Application-oriented tools and offers are intended to strengthen entrepreneurship and operational competencies to successfully cope with current challenges. Above all, companies and organizations should benefit from this and position themselves for the future on a European and international level. In the projects to be funded in this Specific Objective, the cross-border approach is particularly important in order to share experiences, pool resources and reach critical masses (e.g. for tools to deal with Big Data, entrepreneurship initiatives, startup labs, etc.). Pilot applications and trainings, specifically for capacity building in the regional business landscape on the thrusts of digital transformation, environmentally and climate-friendly businesses, skills shortages and training, and entrepreneurship promotion, are to be jointly developed and implemented. In the projects, cross-border experiences are to be exchanged, potentials (know-how) are to be used, existing initiatives are to be expanded and transferred, and new offers are to be jointly established.
Objective 3: Proactive handling of climate change and climate adaptation
The funding program opens up scope for proactively addressing the issues of climate change in the various areas and sectors of the program area on a cross-border basis and jointly taking up opportunities for intensified adaptation activities. To this end, the areas of action for the sensitive program area must be jointly addressed across the border and necessary adaptation strategies to the changed climatic conditions must be developed. Likewise, measures for risk prevention and a functioning disaster management are to be established in the event of a crisis. Projects supported under Specific Objective 3 are intended to strengthen the adaptive capacity and resilience of natural and technical systems in the program area and to minimize the risks and hazards to people, settlements and infrastructure in the program area resulting from climate change. The damage caused by natural disasters, especially in mountainous areas and along rivers, should also be kept to a minimum through concerted cross-border action.
Objective 4: Protection, enhancement and renewal of biodiversity in the border area.
The aim is to protect the diversity of natural areas, natural and cultural landscapes through integrated approaches and to secure or restore their ecosystem services as well as to improve the cooperation of administrations and other actors in the various protected areas and biotopes in the program area. The aim is therefore not only to protect but also to improve the natural areas, natural and cultural landscapes and biodiversity in the program area and to jointly explore and implement potential for renewal. The focus is on projects that promote the joint management and cooperation of protected areas and biotopes or their networking. Furthermore, projects are supported that involve integrated approaches to nature conservation and land and biotope management as well as concrete habitat, soil and species protection projects. Joint knowledge acquisition, transfer and awareness raising can also be topics for projects.
Objective 5: Sustainable and integrated tourism development
Joint solutions must be developed in order to further develop tourism in a resilient, socially and environmentally compatible and integrated manner. In this way, tourism is to be strengthened as an economic and employment driver in the program area, jobs in tourism are to be secured in the long term, and economic recovery in the directly and indirectly dependent economic sectors is to be worked towards. At the same time, a reduction of potential (utilization) conflicts is to be strived for. In order to achieve these goals, projects to be funded should focus on the (further) development of cross-border tourism offers for diversification, sustainability and resilience. Within the framework of joint projects, tourism offers should be newly developed and existing initiatives further developed. Projects that develop joint strategies or action plans for challenges specific to the program area will also be supported. These should be problem-solving oriented and address concrete risks and challenges in the functional tourism area, which happens less through new offers than through networking, coordination, the acquisition of new competencies as well as through the concrete (re)design of framework conditions.
Objective 7: Joint reduction of border obstacles
Specific objective 7 focuses on the reduction of existing barriers and border obstacles in order to strengthen the performance and capacities of the governance setting in the program area. Thus, living and working together in the everyday life of the border regions should be improved through encounter measures and long-term cross-border cooperation and the use of existing common potentials in the program area should be facilitated.
The projects to be funded must actively contribute to the reduction of the above-mentioned obstacles and fit into one of the three following thrusts:
- Promotion of encounter measures (People2People projects): By supporting local or small-regional encounter measures, the European idea of cross-border integration is to be made tangible for citizens in areas of their daily lives. The focus of such micro-projects (up to 5,000 € total costs) is on joint events, meetings and exchange opportunities. Primary contact persons for micro-projects are the Euregios in the program area.
- Removal of legal-administrative border obstacles: By means of projects, framework conditions are to be created in order to actively counteract border obstacles and subsequently to be able to better exploit the potential of the border region through cooperation. Projects are based on the thematic areas of the "Border Obstacles" paper of the INTERREG program, into which they must fit.
- Promotion of structural "governance projects": The aim of the projects is to build and establish joint structures that have a permanent, long-term cross-border character. It is important that a binding declaration of cooperation is available at the end of the project.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
No project can be implemented by a single organization; there must be at least two partners - at least one from Bavaria and one from Austria.
Each project must clearly demonstrate the cooperation of the project partners - this is checked by means of the four cooperation criteria, of the four criteria at least three must be fulfilled:
- Joint preparation (mandatory)
- Joint implementation (mandatory)
- Joint financing
- Joint personnel
other eligibility criteria
The programme area is composed of the following NUTS III regions:
AUSTRIA: Innviertel, Linz-Wels, Mühlviertel, Traunviertel, Lungau, Pinzgau-Pongau, Salzburg and surroundings, Außerfern, Innsbruck, Osttirol, Tiroler Oberland, Tiroler Unterland, Bludenz-Bregenzer Wald, Rheintal-Bodensee area.
BAVARIA: City of Rosenheim, County of Rosenheim, Altötting, Berchtesgadener Land, Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Miesbach, Mühldorf am Inn, Traunstein, Weilheim-Schongau, City of Landshut, County of Landshut, City of Passau, County of Passau, Deggendorf, Freyung-Grafenau, Regen, Rottal-Inn, Dingolfing-Landau, City of Kaufbeuren, City of Kempten (Allgäu), City of Memmingen, Lindau (Lake Constance), Ostallgäu, Unterallgäu, Oberallgäu
Medium-sized projects (i.e. projects with requested eligible costs of € 35,000 to € 100,000, which are selected by the respective EUREGIO committee) can be submitted under Specific Objective 6 without exception and are subject to the eligibility rules for large-scale projects. In contrast to large-scale projects, no project outline is required when submitting an application.
Small projects (requested eligible costs of up to € 35,000) can also be submitted under Specific Objective 6 without exception, but are subject to a simplified application and accounting procedure.
P2P projects are designed to promote cross-border encounter measures and can be submitted under Specific Objective 7 without exception. Up to 5.000€ can be applied for as eligible costs. They are also subject to a simplified application and settlement procedure, e.g. application and settlement are carried out analogously. When submitting the application, the costs must be presented plausibly so that they can be assigned to the milestones defined by the project partners. These are then used to check the success of the project.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
Additional Information
Before submitting a formal application, the Regional Coordination Office (RK) responsible for the lead partner must be informed about the project idea in order to make an initial non-binding assessment of the project's eligibility for funding and to be able to provide you as a project partner with targeted advice. A project outline must be drawn up and submitted for this purpose (see submission of project outline). After coordination with the RK, the formal application can be submitted on an ongoing basis in the program's electronic monitoring system (Jems). However, the application documents must be submitted in good time by the specified deadlines in order to be dealt with by the subsequent Monitoring Committee (decision-making body).
Once the application has been submitted, the formal (Joint Secretariat) and substantive (Regional Coordination Unit) application review takes place in accordance with the project selection criteria, as well as the assessment by technical experts. The decision to approve (subject to any conditions), defer or reject the project application is the responsibility of the bilateral monitoring committee.
Call documents
Interreg Bayern-Österreich 2021-2027 Programm DEInterreg Bayern-Österreich 2021-2027 Programm DE(302kB)
+43 73277200
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