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Call key data
Jean Monnet Actions for other fields of Education and Training: Learning EU
Funding Program
Erasmus+ - Jean Monnet Actions
Call number
12.02.2025 17:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 3,000,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
€ 35,000.00
Link to the call
Link to the submission
Call content
short description
Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives will foster the introduction of a European Union angle in the educational culture of schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) and contribute to strengthen European identity and active citizenship among students and teachers.
Call objectives
In particular, the main objectives are:
- increased number of schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) teaching European Union issues by EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme;
- increased number of classes in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) involved in learning experiences on European Union subjects;
- increased number of key subject areas, or extra-curricular activities, where the EU is being taught in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) for each EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme;
- increased number of teachers to engage with the improvement of EU literacy;
- increased quality of EU innovative teaching and learning methods, with particular attention to the EU priorities;
- improved learning results about the EU of students who are better equipped with knowledge and understanding of the EU, its history, values, objectives as well as the institutions, decision making processes which influence the daily lives of young Europeans and enhanced active citizenship among students and teachers.
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Expected effects and impacts
Jean Monnet Learning EU Initiatives is expected to bring positive and long-lasting effects both to the schools and VET providers and to the participants to their activities, in particular teachers and students.
The impact of Jean Monnet Learning EU Initiatives is measured through quantitative and qualitative indicators (see list below), linked to the objectives of the Action which are described in the introductory section, “Objectives of the Action”. Applicants are encouraged to use the following indicators in their applications, and to set their target values.
- Objective: Increased number of classes in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) involved in learning experiences on European Union subjects
- Indicator: Number of classes and students involved in the Action (disaggregated by gender).
- Objective: Increased number of key subject areas, or extra-curricular activities, where the EU is being taught in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) for each EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
- Indicator: Number and type of subject areas and events in which the EU is being taught.
- Objective: Increased number of teachers to engage with the improvement of EU literacy
- Indicator: Number of teachers involved in the Action (disaggregated by gender).
- Objective: Increased quality of EU innovative teaching and learning methods, with particular attention to the EU priorities
- Indicator: Number of projects embedding innovative methods.
- Objective: Improved learning results about the EU of students who are better equipped with knowledge and understanding of the EU, its history, values, objectives as well as the institutions, decision making processes which influence the daily lives of young Europeans
- Indicator: Percentage of success rate in learning test about the EU (disaggregated by gender).
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Expected results
Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives specifically targets schools and vocational education & training institutions (VETs) (ISCED 1 – 4).
Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives must respect one or more of the following:
- teaching on European Union matters officially embedded in the curricula (teaching in one or more existing subjects);
- learning experiences on European Union subjects which complement already existing courses: collaborative learning, co-teaching, among other subjects;
- extracurricular seminars, study visits, other kinds of EU experiences involving other organisations.
For the purpose of the action, a teaching hour is understood to be an hour of learning experience in the context of school or VET activities. It can be classroom or not classroom learning (i.e. workshops, meetings with experts, study visits) but needs to be linked to concrete learning outcomes and to EU studies / EU values.
National Authorities may be informed about the public schools applying to this Action per country, including limited personal data such as the name and email of the contact person, in order to facilitate the validation process of their entities.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Iceland (Ísland), Liechtenstein, North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Türkiye
eligible entities
Education and training institution, Research Institution incl. University
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities, if applicable) must be:
- school or vocational education and training institution (VET) (ISCED 1 - 4);
- established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
Only applications by single applicants are allowed.
A Jean Monnet Learning EU initiative must be implemented for a minimum of 40 teaching hours per school year for three consecutive years on EU based subjects.
other eligibility criteria
This action follows a lump sum funding model.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
36 months
Additional Information
Applications must be submitted to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
To submit an Erasmus+ project, applicants must follow the four steps described below.
- Registration. Each applicant must be registered as follows:
- For actions managed by the Executive Agency, applicants, affiliated entities, and associated partners must register in the Funding & Tenders Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). Organisations/groups that have already obtained a PIC through their participation in other EU progrommes do not need to register again. The PIC obtained from this previous registration is valid also for applying under Erasmus+;
- For actions managed by National Agencies, applicants must, if not already done, register through the Organisation Registration system for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps and receive an Organisation ID.
- Check the compliance with the programme criteria for the relevant Action/field;
- Check the financial conditions;
- Fill in and submit the application form.
Applications (Part B) are limited to 40 pages for calls for low value grants (EUR 60 000 or below), 120 pages for calls with high value grants (EUR 4 000 000), and 70 for all other calls. The following actions make exception to this rule: 40 pages for “Capacity Building in Higher Education” (CBHE) and 70 pages for the action Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters. Evaluatorswill not consider any additional pages.
Call documents
Erasmus + Programme Guide 2025Erasmus + Programme Guide 2025(5820kB)
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