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Strengthen the capacities of the General Inspectorate for Migration for the implementation of the migration management and asylum legislation in line with EU acquis
Funding Program
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Call number
10.12.2024 16:00
Call budget
€ 1,250,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
€ 1,250,000.00
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short description
The overall objective of this call is to strengthen the capacities of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) in the implementation of the migration management and asylum in line with EU acquis.
Call objectives
The specific objective of this Twinning project is to strengthen the capacities of the GIM to align with commitments taken by the Republic of Moldova in the framework of the EU integration process – Chapter 24.
Expected results
The project is consisting of 3 components.
Result 1/ Component 1: Strengthened institutional and administrative capacity of the Inspectorate in aligning and in implementing EU acquis and best practices.
The following intermediary results as a minimum will be implemented: monitoring and evaluation mechanism are strengthened, data collection and exchange between relevant services (including through digital process) for the conduct of operations, decision-making and strategic communication as well as for communication with the broader public are being reinforced. Support for design and implementation of evidence-based policy development is delivered. Provision of human rights and data protection at the EU best standards are being are being mainstreaming at all level and across the inspectorate. Further, curricula are reviewed amongst peers, and recommendations are provided to enable any agreed revisions (for the approximation and implementation of EU acquis) within relevant national authorities’ curriculum - Train the Trainers (ToT) programme and access to both on-line and in-person training.
This will include assessment of resource (human, equipment and financial) for the approximation and implementation of the legislation, including recommendations and requirements for the absorption of EU Funds dedicated to refugees and migration.
Proposed list of sub-results (indicative and optional)
- Sub-result 1.1: Enhanced strategic management
- Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are strengthened.
- Data collection and exchange between relevant services (including through digital process) for the conduct of operations, decision-making and strategic communication as well as for communication with the broader public are strengthened
- Capacities in implementing evidence-based policy development, and in drafting future roadmap for GIM are strengthened
- Cooperation and data exchange between central apparatus (Headquarters) and regional directorate of the GIM and ensure efficient management of migration processes is strengthened.
- Sub-result 1.2 Enhanced personnel’s skills with EU acquis
- Data protection in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) best practices is implemented
- Curriculum is assessed (including mapping of existing and required EU trainings), and revised and as well as Train the Trainers (ToT) ToT and training expanded.
Result 2/ Component 2: National authorities supported to align their legislative framework on asylum, refugees, statelessness and foreigners system to EU and International Standards.
The following sub-results as a minimum will be implemented at legislative and operational levels.
A need assessment on legislative gaps in the field of migration and asylum, is delivered identifying gaps and proposing recommendations for the smooth implementation in the Republic of Moldova with appropriate steps, an indicative calendar and a monitoring and reporting mechanism (which could include capacity-building for roadmap). A monitoring and reporting system on the approximation with EU acquis is set up. Current legislation in the field of legal migration with a focus on the law on foreigners is analysed in comparison with EU legislative framework and accompanied with recommendations for further harmonisations as well as implementations process (monitoring, reporting and calendar included). Efficiency and standardisation of procedures is increased, based on comparative analysis of different practices within EU on institutional set up, development of manual and training organisation (ex: procedure in transit, restriction in of movement of asylum seekers, non refoulement, regulation on residence of refugees, asylum seekers, foreigners, as well as their families and naturalisation procedures).
At operational level and for the implementation of EU acquis, access to asylum procedures, including the identification of persons with special needs will be strengthened. It will pay particular attention to the identification of persons who wish to apply for international protection in line with EU acquis. It will aims in enhancing provision on International protection and rights and duties of the asylum seekers, refugees, stateless. It will further based on an assessment enhanced the quality of decision-making to improve knowledge and technical skills of case officers to assess asylum claim as well as members of GIM, GIBP. It will further enhanced the capacity of national authorities to efficiently and timely to legalise the stay of foreign citizens.
Proposed list of sub-results (indicative and optional)
- Sub-result 2.1: increase the pace of legal approximation with EU acquis
- A monitoring and reporting system on the approximation with EU acquis is set up.
- A need assessment on legislative gaps in the field of asylum, temporary protection and migration is delivered identifying gaps and proposing recommendations for the smooth implementation in the Republic of Moldova with appropriate steps, an indicative calendar and a monitoring and reporting mechanism.
- Current legislation in the field of legal migration with a focus on foreigners is analysed in comparison with EU legislative framework and accompanied with recommendations for further harmonisations as well as implementations process (monitoring, reporting and calendar included).
- Efficiency and standardisation of procedures is increased, based on comparative analysis of different practices within EU on institutional set up, development of manual and training organisation (procedure in transit, restriction in of movement of asylum seekers, non refoulement, regulation on residence of refugees, asylum seekers, foreigners, as well as their families and naturalisation procedures).
- Sub-result 2.2: Operationalisation of the legal framework:
- Strengthened access to asylum procedures, including the identification of persons with special needs
- Enhanced identification of persons who may wish and apply for international protection in line with EU acquis.
- Enhanced information provision on International Protection and rights and duties of the asylum seekers/refugees
- Enhanced quality of the decision making
- Improved knowledge and technical skills of the case officers to assess asylum claim
- Improved knowledge and technical skills of the members of GIM
Result 3/ Component 3: The capacity of the state to respond to any increased influx of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees including their successful integration, is reinforced.
The following intermediary results as a minimum will be delivered:
An evaluating mechanism assessing the inspectorate’s capacity to respond to any increased influx of refugees/asylum, stateless including the set-up of an early warning system crisis and preparedness system will be achieved. It will provide recommendations with proposed of adjustments and implementation with a realistic calendar in view to enhance preparedness for a scenario of high influx in the field of reception for asylum seekers with an inter-institutional approach at national level, and when relevant with EU relevant actors (EU agencies).
The assessment will pay particular attention to improve reception conditions and services, giving a special attention to vulnerable individuals, and unaccompanied minor and age assessment process.
It will provide the mechanism, tools and capacity needed to enhance capacity of national authorities to efficiently and timely address high influx of refugees/asylum seekers, stateless. It will also enhance capacity of national authorities to manage reception conditions with specific attention to vulnerable groups.
It could further be envisaged to include an assessment of national authorities to efficiently and timely process foreigners’ admission /resident permit.
It will pursue the objective to foster equality and social cohesion to ensure access to basic national services and integration of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, stateless within Moldovan society. It will pay particular attention to development and implementation of fight against racism and anti-discriminatory and pave the way for promoting successful integration of foreigners in the country.
Proposed list of sub-results (indicative and optional)
- Sub result 3.1: enhanced preparedness and management in the case of mass influx of asylum seekers :
- Crisis and Early warning system is assessed and reinforced.
- Enhanced preparedness for a scenario of high influx in the field of reception for asylum seekers with an inter-institutional approach.
- Enhanced capacity of national authorities to efficiently and timely address high influx of refugees/asylum seekers, stateless.
- Reception conditions and services are enhanced
- Sub-result 3.2: strengthen de capacities on addressing special needs cases
- Improved detection and reception condition for vulnerable individuals and unaccompanied minors.
- Strengthen capacity to deliver assistance giving attention to special needs cases in migration and asylum domain with other relevant stakeholders.
- Adjustment of legal framework and drafting of Standard Operational Procedures
- Sub-result 3.3: enhanced migration management (preparedness and integration):
- Enhanced capacity of national authorities to efficiently and timely legalise the stay of foreign citizens (process foreigners’ admission /resident permit).
- Enhance capacity on promoting successful integration of foreigner’s.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Moldova (Moldova)
eligible entities
Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Only Public Administrations and Mandated bodies as per Twinning Manual of European Union Member State may apply through European Union Member States’ National Contact Points.
Geographical area: Republic of Moldova
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
21 months
Additional Information
Twinning proposals must be submitted by the Member State Administration to the EU Member States National Contact Points for Twinning following the instructions of the Twinning Manual which must be strictly observed (including the use of the template).
Only one Twinning proposal for Member State can be submitted by the Member State National Contact Points for Twinning to the Contracting Authority within the deadline for applications.
The MS application should be submitted to the Contracting Authority via the email address of Member State National Contact Points for Twinning.
Call documents
EuropeAid/182493/DD/ACT/MD Twinning FicheEuropeAid/182493/DD/ACT/MD Twinning Fiche(712kB)
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