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Deadline expired
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Call key data
Interreg SN-CZ 2025 - 2nd cut-off date
Funding Program
Interreg Saxony-Czech Republic
11.01.2025 00:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 190,456,212.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
minimum € 30,000.00
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Call content
short description
The Interreg Saxony - Czech Republic 2021-2027 programme supports cooperation projects that contribute to the further economic, ecological and social development of the common border area.
Call objectives
The programme offers the possibility to implement cooperation projects within four priorities:
- Priority 1: Innovation and competitiveness Climate change and sustainability
- Improving the involvement of SMEs in research and innovation
- Establishing and expanding networking activities and services for SMEs
- Priority 2: Climate change and sustainability
- Prevention, mitigation and management of environmental and climate change risks
- Intensification of cooperation in the field of fire protection, rescue and disaster management
- Conservation and restoration of biodiversity, development of green infrastructure and displacement of invasive species
- Priority 3: Education, lifelong learning, culture and tourism
- Early childhood education
- School and out-of-school educational opportunities
- Vocational education and training, qualification of skilled workers
- Cooperation between universities and vocational academies
- Enhancement of the common tourism region
- Preservation, maintenance and communication of the cultural heritage
- Priority 4: Cooperation and confidence building
- Improving cooperation between authorities, courts, public and state institutions and bodies
- Cross-border strategies
- Encounter projects (small project fund)
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Expected results
Which activities are supported?
Priority 1: Innovation and competitiveness Climate change and sustainability
- Improving SME involvement in research and innovation
- Cross-border cooperation of SMEs with universities, research institutions and technology and innovation centres
- Provision of facilities for joint development and testing
- Cross-border cooperation between SMEs on innovative climate-friendly technologies, services and/or products
- Transfer of scientific findings into products and processes
- Establishment and expansion of networking activities and services for SMEs
- Development of joint solutions to strengthen the innovative capacity of SMEs (open and sector-specific)
- Innovative formats for consulting, support and cooperation of SMEs
- Economic cooperation, cross-border initiatives, competence and sector networks, clusters, partnerships
- Virtual information and knowledge platforms
Priority 2: Climate change and sustainability
- Prevention, mitigation and management of environmental and climate change risks
- Development and testing of cross-border concepts, adaptation and implementation strategies for the prevention of natural risks
- Improving cross-border management of natural disasters
- Establishment of harmonised monitoring and data systems
- Nature-compatible flood protection measures
- Risk prevention in post-mining landscapes, protection against geogenic natural hazards, groundwater rise and movements of the earth's surface
- Information and communication in relation to climate change, sustainable land use and flood protection
- Intensification of cooperation in the field of fire protection, rescue services and civil protection
- Further development of cross-border information systems and communication platforms
- Joint creation and use of alerting and deployment plans
- Cross-border exercises, exchange of experience, promotion of junior staff / voluntary work, accompanying language training and intercultural competence
- Innovative model projects in which new solutions can be tested in practice
- Conservation and restoration of biodiversity, development of green infrastructure and displacement of invasive species
- Development and implementation of joint cross-border development, maintenance, protection and management concepts
- Development of cross-border strategies for the protection and conservation of biodiversity
- Conservation of insect diversity, conservation and revitalisation of peatlands to protect the natural water balance, forest conversion to climate-stable mixed forests
- Information, communication, dialogues, public participation, exchange of information and experience
Priority 3: Education, lifelong learning, culture and tourism
- Early childhood education
- Cooperation between day-care and pre-school facilities; cross-border partnerships in the pre-school sector
- (Environmental) education, promotion of intercultural competences
- Professional exchange for educators
- School and out-of-school educational opportunities
- Creation and consolidation of school partnerships, student and experience exchanges, meetings, competitions, workshops, internships / work shadowing for educators
- Educational offers on cross-border relevant topics
- Development of joint teaching and learning materials, innovative digital education formats, digital resilience of schools
- Extracurricular educational offers by sports clubs, working groups, cultural groups, etc.
- Vocational education and training, qualification of professionals
- Co-operation of technical schools, knowledge, experience and specialist exchanges, work placements
- Qualification measures, digital (initial) training offers
- Transfer of and exchange on existing practical modules and established training measures
- Strengthening the cross-border compatibility of vocational education and training
- Cooperation between universities and vocational academies
- Cooperation between universities and other tertiary education institutions
- Establishment and expansion of academic / scientific cooperation networks
- Development of tertiary education programmes
- Development of joint (virtual) teaching and study materials
- improvement of language skills
- Cooperative study programmes, student exchanges
- Enhancement of the joint tourism region
- Networking of tourist facilities, intensification of cooperation between partners in the tourism industry, exchange of experience
- Joint development of concepts, competitive and innovative products and services, strategies, communication / information platforms to reduce information deficits and for know-how transfer
- Joint marketing of tourism offers, marketing, web / mobile applications, augmented reality applications, virtual interactive offers.
- Investment in tourism infrastructure
- Gentle, sustainable year-round tourism, environmentally compatible nature tourism
- Preservation, maintenance and communication of cultural heritage
- Revitalisation of the cultural heritage of craftsmanship, customs and traditions; research and documentation of the cultural heritage
- Renovation of cultural sites with a common identity or cultural and/or historical connection from a tourism point of view
- Co-operations between museums and cultural centres
- Networking of cultural institutions and offers, promotion of contemporary art and culture
Priority 4: Cooperation and confidence building
- Improving cooperation between authorities, courts, public and governmental bodies and institutions
- Networking activities: Civil society, local / regional actors, interest groups, institutions.
- Background of demographic change: spatial planning projects, provision of livelihoods
- Justice: exchange of expertise between ministries of justice, courts, public prosecutors' offices, prisons
- Security: joint border controls, exercises, exchange of experience, etc.
- Cross-border strategies
- Development of multi-sectoral territorial strategies
- Development of sectoral territorial strategies
- Encounter projects (small project fund)
- Meetings between citizens in all areas of public life at local level
- Cooperation between cities and municipalities, other public bodies, associations, federations and non-profit organisations.
- Encounter and networking projects, exchange and transfer of experience and knowledge, events, workshops, competitions, activities to improve linguistic and intercultural competences.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
In the cooperation project, at least one partner from Germany and the Czech Republic work together. It is important that the cross-border projects have a positive impact in the common funding area.
European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs) are eligible.
other eligibility criteria
The cooperation project must meet at least three of four criteria of cross-border cooperation:
- Joint preparation (mandatory)
- Joint implementation (mandatory)
- Joint financing
- Joint staff
The project funding is carried out as a grant according to the reimbursement principle. The total cost of the project must be more than 30,000 euros. The funding rate is 80%. Projects with a total cost of less than 30,000 euros can be applied for under the Small Projects Fund.
The program area includes the following counties, independent cities and districts:
- Saxony: Vogtlandkreis, Zwickau, Erzgebirgskreis, Central Saxony, Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains, Bautzen, Görlitz, Dresden, Chemnitz
- Czech Republic: Liberec/Liberecký krai, Ústí nad Labem/Ústecký kraj, Karlovy Vary/Karlovarský kraj
Project applications can be submitted electronically on an ongoing basis via the funding portal from January 2023.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
Call documents
Interreg Sachsen-Tschechien 2021-2027 DEInterreg Sachsen-Tschechien 2021-2027 DE(1530kB)
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