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Call key data
Interreg BY-CZ Call - 6th cut-off date
Funding Program
Interreg Bavaria-Czech Republic
11.02.2025 15:59
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 17,195,092.00
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Call content
short description
The programme INTERREG Bavaria-Czechia 2021-2027 supports cross-border cooperation between Bavaria and the Czech Republic. Funding is provided for innovative Bavarian-Czech projects that contribute to the dismantling of barriers, mutual understanding and networking among citizens and at the same time to improving the quality of life. For the third cut-off date, projects can be submitted in all priorities, but partly only on specific activities.
Call objectives
The following priorities and specific objectives have been developed within the programme:
- P1: Research and knowledge transfer
- SO 1.1: Development and strengthening of research and innovation capacities and the introduction of advanced technologies.
- P2: Adaptation to climate change and environmental protection
- SO 2.1: Promote climate change adaptation and disaster prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches.
- SO 2.2: Improve the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reduce all forms of pollution
- P3: Education
- SO 3.1: Improve equitable access to inclusive and quality education, training and lifelong learning services through the development of accessible infrastructure, including by promoting the resilience of distance and online learning in education and training.
- P4: Culture and sustainable tourism
- SO 4.1: Strengthen the role that culture and sustainable tourism play in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation.
- P5: Better Interreg governance
- SO 5.1: Improve the efficiency of public administrations by promoting their legal and administrative cooperation as well as cooperation between citizens, civil society and institutions, in particular with the aim of removing legal and other obstacles in border regions.
- SO 5.2: Building mutual trust, in particular by promoting cooperation between citizens.
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Expected results
For the third deadline, projects can be submitted in all priorities, but partly only for specific activities:
P1: Research and knowledge transfer
- SO 1.1: Development and strengthening of research and innovation capacities and the introduction of advanced technologies
- Strengthening the innovation environment of the cross-border region, in particular by promoting cross-border innovation networks and intermediaries for knowledge transfer, improving visibility (of knowledge transfer offers) and capacity building.
- Potential projects must contribute significantly to output indicators O.01 (enterprises supported) and O.02 (enterprises with non-financial support). The other output indicators in Priority 1 can also be served additionally
- Strengthening the innovation environment of the cross-border region, in particular by promoting cross-border innovation networks and intermediaries for knowledge transfer, improving visibility (of knowledge transfer offers) and capacity building.
P2: Adaptation to climate change and environmental protection
Projects that contribute to climate change adaptation and environmental protection through the implementation of a pilot activity are particularly sought. Projects should preferably contribute to output indicators O.05 (Construction or extension of green infrastructure for climate change adaptation),O.07 (Green infrastructure supported for reasons other than climate change adaptation) and O.08 (Area of Natura 2000 sites covered by protection and restoration measures). The other output indicators in Priority 2 can also be served in addition.
- SO 2.1: Promote climate change adaptation and disaster prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches.
- Adaptation of transboundary ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic) in protected areas and cultivated areas to changing climatic conditions (e.g. forest conversion towards more semi-natural mixed forests with native climate and pest resistant species, adaptation of cultivation forms or methods in forestry and agriculture or peatland conversion).
- Measures to coordinate and establish joint water management to enable a coordinated response to drought and heavy rainfall events (e.g. using renaturation).
- Development and implementation of joint coping measures for environmental disasters resulting from climate change (e.g. extreme weather events, floods, forest fires). The management measures include the development of joint early warning systems and the cooperation and coordination of civil protection institutions.
- SO 2.2: Improve the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reduce all forms of pollution.
- Strategic cooperation in the field of nature and landscape protection aimed at e.g. cross-border management of protected areas, wetlands, etc.
- Protection and enhancement of green infrastructure to improve ecosystem services and connectivity of biotopes
- Cross-border species protection (flora and fauna) in the form of coordinated protection concepts and their implementation. One component is also cross-border monitoring and management of wildlife (e.g. of "conflict species" such as wolf, lynx, otter or beaver). This also includes adaptation measures to increase the acceptance of "conflict species" among the population, especially among the particularly affected groups, such as farmers. Furthermore, this activity type also includes measures that push back invasive species (flora and fauna).
P3: Education
- SO 3.1: Improve equitable access to inclusive and quality education, training and lifelong learning services through the development of accessible infrastructure, including by promoting the resilience of distance and online education and training.
- Improving, expanding and networking common formal or informal education services for children, youth, trainees and students. The aim is to (1) further reduce existing linguistic and cultural barriers, (2) impart key competences in areas relevant to the regional economy and (3) better coordinate the (education) systems in the border region.
- Promotion of informal educational offers for adults in the fields of environmental education and the acquisition of social or socio-cultural competences, which improve, network and expand the existing offers. The aim is to break down existing socio-cultural barriers and to strengthen competences regarding the common environment and common culture and history. In addition, the exchange of information and experience between the actors of the Bavarian and Czech informal education systems is to be facilitated.
- SO 4.1: Strengthen the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation.
- Tourism valorisation of shared natural and cultural heritage (e.g. buildings or monuments) or the development of tourism infrastructure in the field of nature and active tourism (e.g. cycling routes, hiking routes). In the valorisation of sights and attractions, the focus is on sites and objects with significant visitor potential.
- Further possibilities for tourism valorisation include the presentation of the common natural and cultural heritage in exhibitions or joint cultural events with tourism potential.
- Coordination of mobility services for tourists. This includes in particular the coordination of services and other non-infra-structural measures in the field of public transport for cross-border development of tourist regions (e.g. coordination of cross-border bus routes, expansion of cross-border cycle buses, information for tourists in the field of electric mobility). The aim of the activities is to sensibly supplement the existing cross-border public transport offer with additional coordination and services for tourists. The funded mobility services should also take into account the needs of disadvantaged population groups.
- Coordination and services for joint marketing of tourist attractions and sights.
- SO 5.1: Improve the efficiency of public administrations by promoting their legal and administrative cooperation as well as the cooperation between citizens, civil society and institutions, in particular with the aim of removing legal and other obstacles in border regions.
- Capacity building for cross-border cooperation of public administration institutions and providers of public services in order to sustainably increase the efficiency of these institutions.
- Removal of legal, administrative and socio-cultural obstacles, for example in the areas of cross-border public services and offers (e.g. emergency services or local public transport), the labour market and other relevant areas.
- Promotion and creation of networks and platforms that are not included in priorities 1-4 and that link the respective actors involved in order to achieve better coordination and greater effectiveness of individual measures of cross-border cooperation.
- SO 5.2: Building mutual trust, in particular by promoting cooperation between citizens
- Cooperation between citizens and institutions within the framework of so-called people-to-people projects. The focus here is on bringing together the population from both sides of the border in order to get to know and understand the neighbours from the other side of the border and their socio-cultural background better. In contrast to the types of activities promoted in the other specific objectives of the programme, the thematic reason for the encounter plays a subordinate role and is not fixed.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
A project must involve at least one Bavarian and one Czech partner.
To be eligible, projects must contribute to at least three of the following four cooperation criteria.
- Joint development (obligatory)
- Joint implementation (obligatory)
- Joint financing
- Joint staffing
other eligibility criteria
On the Bavarian side, the programme area includes the following districts:
Neustadt on the Waldnaab
Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge
and independent cities:
Weiden in the Upper Palatinate
On the Czech side, the programme area is composed of the districts:
Plzeňský kraj (Pilsen district)
Karlovarský kraj (Karlovy Vary District)
Jihočeský kraj (South Bohemia Region)
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
Call documents
Interreg Bayern- Tschechien 2021-2027 ProgrammInterreg Bayern- Tschechien 2021-2027 Programm(1203kB)
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