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Call key data
EU Civil Society Facility for the Republic of Serbia 2023-2024
Funding Program
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Call number
10.05.2024 12:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 6,700,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
between € 300,000.00 and € 750,000.00
Link to the call
Link to the submission
Call content
short description
The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU integration and approximation process in Serbia, through an enhanced contribution by civil society.
Call objectives
The action will focus on:
- Improving the conducive environment for civil society,
- Improving cooperation and partnership between the Civil Society and all levels of the government institutions,
- Increasing capacities and effectiveness of the Serbian Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to monitor and participate in reform processes and the overall capacities of grassroots movements through flexible financial support to third parties mechanisms in all fields relevant to Serbia’s accession to the EU.
The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals are:
- To strengthen more gender-responsive civil society organisations through a more conducive environment,
- To strengthen cooperation and partnership between CSOs and public institutions at all levels, and
- To reinforce CSO capacity and resilience.
Types of action which may be financed under this call:
- Strengthening the role and capacity of civil society in advocacy and promoting human rights and good governance in the Republic of Serbia;
- Protection of social, economic and cultural rights, including persons with disabilities, children, women, elderly, homeless and the rights of persons belonging to minorities (also Roma inclusion).
- Engagement in the local communities via direct contact with the citizens/constituencies;
- Ensuring evidence-based public debates with actors of different educational and cultural backgrounds and ideological stances;
- Creation of innovative methods of participatory engagement with the citizens, including youth, both in vivo and online;
- Advocacy and public campaigns
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Expected effects and impacts
- To contribute to expanding the space to policymaking and community engagement for civil society;
- To expand and strengthen civil society’s active engagement with their constituency, allowing citizens to become active participants of Serbia’s EU accession process;
- To promote the values at the core of the EU, as enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty of the EU, by engaging with the citizens through participatory and deliberative methods;
- To support youth initiatives and dialogue in relation to the above priorities.
Expected results
Any action has to include at least one of the following themes:
- Rule of Law
- Rule of law and justice: Promote rule of law and support to democracy; monitor policy reforms under Chapters 23 and 24
- Migration: Support the vulnerable groups of migrants and minors with protection, education and integration actions (complementary to those provided by state authorities); actions to monitor and protect the rights of migrants (in the reception and asylum, and in the process of being returned/readmitted); actions to promote the integration of migrants and refugees in local communities
- Social inclusion
- Public and mental health: With particular focus on support for advancing the mental health of youth, support to marginalized groups relevant to public health, support cooperation with schools to promote measures for reducing early school leaving and desegregation, as well as to build student competencies related to gender equality, health, mental health, reproductive health, sex education, and all forms of gender-based violence, including sexual abuse, access to Vaccinations and Immunizations: Support the provision of equitable access to vaccinations and immunizations, addressing especially issues of awareness.
- Marginalized groups: Support for social and economic integration of marginalized groups in particular youth and young women, support the development of social enterprises for facilitation of employment of marginalized groups, support to social inclusion of the most vulnerable women and men, girls and boys through establishment and/or enhancement of innovative, open community-based services (any services to be provided in this context has to be done in official cooperation with the relevant local self-government with a written commitment of the LSG that it will take over the provision of the service with its own resources upon completion of the project), Health Education Workshops: Support targeted health education workshops to improve health literacy within vulnerable populations. Cover topics such as preventive care, nutrition, and managing chronic conditions, substance abuse prevention and treatment: Support the development of prevention programs and treatment options tailored to the needs of vulnerable populations, addressing substance abuse and addiction issues. Support the promotion of youth participation in decision making on the national and local level, as well as cooperation with local self-governments on relevant issues.
- Environment and climate change
- Biodiversity and nature protection: Raising awareness of the importance of biodiversity; support CSOs operating in the field of biodiversity in cooperation with the local authorities.
- Green energy: Support to grass-root CSOs, particularly those operating in the coal regions (establishing community-driven green energy (or just transition) information hubs can play a vital role in building capacities related to climate policies, energy transition, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and combating energy poverty.
- Climate change: Promotion of actions for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and enhancing their sinks to slow down climate change, promotion of actions to adapt to the impacts of climate change, like preventing flooding, preparing for heatwaves and reducing other climate risks.
- Local and regional development
- Civil society organisation and public sector: Promote citizen participation in local development planning and budgeting; systematic mechanisms of cooperation between civil and public sectors; ensuring public participation in decision-making processes on measures, programs and investments with potentially significant socio-economic impacts.
- Social entrepreneurship: Self-sustainable economic activity or corporate social responsibility activities with the business sector.
- Youth and local and regional development: Support the development and establishment of local and regional youth councils, promote employments skills for local economy stakeholders, conducive business environment, enhance opportunities for employment generation.
- Culture: To promote the values enshrined in the Treaty on the European Union (democracy, human rights, solidarity, civic participation, social inclusion, equality, environmental rights, etc.) via:
- Cultural production: Organisation festivals, initiatives, and cultural events on a regular basis promoting culture, authors and artists from Serbia, region, and EU Member States, and stronger cultural cooperation on specific topics, such as civic engagement, human rights, gender equality, green agenda, social inclusion, etc.
- Promotion and protection of the cultural heritage: Promotion and education about European green policies in cultural heritage, strengthening local participation and community engagement for sustainable development of cultural heritage; exchange of best European practices with awarded European projects and European networks in sustainable development and preservation of cultural heritage; protection of moveable and immovable cultural heritage trough networking of Serbian CSOs, initiatives, national minority associations, ethno-cultural co-operatives and tourist associations, social entrepreneurship, initiatives for protection of architectural heritage, etc; networking of international cultural heritage stakeholders in civic, government and private sector to strengthen dialogue on the role of cultural heritage in the green transition and the creation of a sustainable society and economy.
- Sustainable agriculture and cooperation, urban planning and mobility, consumer protection
- Sustainable agriculture: Capacity building for farmers associations and their improved cooperation; awareness rising, promotion, training, finding ways for potential added value of food produced in a more sustainable ways including without or with limited use of: pesticides (except for those used in organic production) and inorganic fertilisers (e.g. through certification and labelling), and improving market links between potential producers, sellers/intermediaries, and buyers; Food Security Initiatives: support activities to address food insecurity, such as community gardens, food banks, or nutrition education classes. Adequate nutrition is foundational to overall health.
- Urban planning and mobility: Capacity-building and resiliency-building activities focused on legal awareness, business and financial understanding, constituent engagement, and sectoral cooperation and accountability for CSOs, improvement of the policy of urban and spatial development, addressing urban youth needs, managing rural-urban linkages and rapid urbanisation.
- Consumer protection: Develop citizens` awareness of EU standards for consumer protection (the right to health protection and safety, the right to protection of economic interests, the right to damages, the right to information and education, the right to representation; monitor of the implementation of existing laws and harmonisation of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia related to consumer protection; improving cooperation between consumer associations and local self-government; raising consumer and retailer awareness of the new challenges posed by expanding e-commerce, trainings on understanding consumer protection acquis.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
- be a legal person and
- be non-profit-making and
- be a specific type of organisation such as: civil society organisation, including non-governmental organisation and
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary and be established in the Republic of Serbia
- The lead applicant must act with at least two co-applicants and the majority of applicant and co-applicants must be from outside Belgrade
- Co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant himself
- The lead applicant and its co-applicant(s) may act with affiliated entity(ies)
Actions must take place in the Republic of Serbia and more than 50% of actions in each proposal within this Call for proposals must be performed outside the city of Belgrade.
Number of applications and grants per applicants / affiliated entities:
- The lead applicant may not submit more than 1 application under this call for proposals.
- The lead applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant under this call for proposals.
- The lead applicant may not be a co-applicant or an affiliated entity in another application of the same lot at the same time.
- The lead applicant may be a co-applicant or an affiliated entity in another application in maximum 1 other lot under this call for proposals.
- A co-applicant/affiliated entity may not be the co-applicant or affiliated entity in more than 1 application per lot under this call for proposals.
- A co-applicant/affiliated entity may be the co-applicant or affiliated entity in maximum 2 lots under this call for proposals.
other eligibility criteria
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Topic 1 - Rule of law: minimum amount: 300,000.00 EUR, maximum amount: 600,000.00 EUR
- Topic 2 - Social inclusion: minimum amount: 300,000.00 EUR, maximum amount: 500,000.00 EUR
- Topic 3 - Environment and climate change:minimum amount: 500,000.00 EUR, maximum amount: 750,000.00 EUR
- Topic 4 - Local and regional development: minimum amount: 300,000.00 EUR, maximum amount: 500,000.00 EUR
- Topic 5 - Culture: minimum amount: 300,000.00 EUR, maximum amount: 500,000.00 EUR
- Topic 6 - Sustainable agriculture and cooperation, urban planning and mobility, consumer protection: minimum amount: 300,000.00 EUR, maximum amount: 500,000.00 EUR
Other eligibility criteria:
- At least 10% of co-financing for topics two, four and six must also come from the private sector (national or international) or individual donations.
- Every grant with total cost higher that 400,000 EUR must present a minimum of 30% of the total eligible costs allocated to be distributed as FSTP (financial support to third parties). More than 50% of FSTPs activities in terms of project quantity as well as expenditure amount must be outside the city of Belgrade.
Financial support to third parties:
The maximum amount of financial support per third party is EUR 60,000 during the complete implementation period of the project. The minimum duration of actions/activities eligible for financial support is 3 months. No co-financing can be requested from third parties.
Recipients of financial support to third parties shall:
- be a legal person, and
- be non-profit-making, and
- be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisations (NGOs). They may include: civil society organisations (CSOs), professional associations, chambers of commerce, employers’ associations and trade unions, cultural centres, independent foundations, and independent research based institutions, public universities, non-profit media organizations, legally registered civil society networks, and
- be legally established in the Republic of Serbia
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
between 24 and 48 months
Additional Information
To apply for this call for proposals the lead applicants need to:
- Provide information about the organisations involved in the action. To this end, lead applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities must register in PADOR. Lead applicants must register at the concept note step. Co-applicants and affiliated entities must register at the full application step; lead applicants must make sure that their PADOR profile is up to date. Please note that the registration of this data in PADOR is obligatory for this call for proposals.
- The concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant (Annex A.1 section 2) must be submitted online via PROSPECT following the instructions given in the PROSPECT user manual.
- Applicants must apply in English.
- Only the concept note form will be evaluated. It is therefore of utmost importance that this document contains ALL relevant information concerning the action. No additional annexes should be sent.
Call documents
EuropeAid/180894/DD/ACT/RS Call documentEuropeAid/180894/DD/ACT/RS Call document(917kB)
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