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Call key data
Reforming Audiovisual Media Regulation in Ukraine in line with EU standards and international best practices
Funding Program
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Call number
14.05.2024 14:00
Call budget
€ 1,500,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
€ 1,500,000.00
Link to the call
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Call content
short description
The specific objective of the project is to improve the institutional capacity of National Council to efficiently regulate media activities to ensure the right to freedom of expression, to stimulate a competitive environment, equality and independence of the media.
Call objectives
The overall objective of the project is to increase efficiency, transparency and consistency of the media policy in Ukraine on the basis of closer alignment with the EU media framework and to strengthen the independence of the National Council through enhancing legal, regulatory and administrative capacity to take appropriate regulatory measures as required by the legal framework of Ukraine and EU.
Expected results
The Twinning project is organised around two components. The objectives of the Twinning project should be achieved by implementing the activities within the two components and results associated with each component. The specific activities within the two components are not settled at this stage but are to be refined during negotiation of the contract and work plan, although an indicative framework is outlined below.
Component A. Strengthening the legal and regulatory capacity of the National Council
While the Law of Ukraine on Media has been largely harmonised with the AVMSD, it should be noted that there are still inconsistencies between the current legal framework of Ukraine and the EU acquis (including DSA and DMA) that need to be aligned. In this regard, it is crucial to have a clear understanding what further steps should be undertaken.
NOTE: Considering the issue of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to DSA/DMA and other EU acts within the framework of Twinning it could be useful for National Council to get practical experience of implementing EU acts into the national legislation of EU countries.
- Mandatory result 1 (Component A): Analysis of the existing legal and regulatory framework in Ukraine in view of EU regulations / directives (gaps – inconsistencies).
- Mandatory result 2 (Component A): Action plan with the prioritised timed sequence of actions to address the remaining inconsistencies through legal and sub-legal acts and internal guiding documents.
- Mandatory result 3 (Component A): Draft legal documents (primary and secondary), proposals/recommendations addressing principal inconsistencies of current Ukrainian media legislation.
Component B. Strengthening the administrative capacity of the National Council.
Every structure needs a capacity-building tool covering human and financial resources, organisational structure, proposals for future development and other components.
- Mandatory result 4 (Component B): Strategy and implementation roadmap (timed and costed) for overall organisational development of the regulator, with prioritised sequence of actions – based on a business process and gap analysis.
- Mandatory result 5 (Component B): Proposals/recommendations/best practices with regard to internal processes and digitalisation.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Only Public Administrations and Mandated bodies as per Twinning Manual of European Union Member States may apply through European Union Member States’ National Contact Points.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
18 months
Additional Information
Twinning proposals must be submitted by the Member State Administration to the EU Member States National Contact Points for Twinning following the instructions of the Twinning Manual which must be strictly observed (including the use of the template).
Only one Twinning proposal for Member State can be submitted by the Member State National Contact Points for Twinning to the Contracting Authority within the deadline for applications.
The MS application should be submitted to the Contracting Authority via the email address of Member State National Contact Points for Twinning.
Call documents
EuropeAid/180678/DD/ACT/UA Twinning FicheEuropeAid/180678/DD/ACT/UA Twinning Fiche(731kB)
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